Rabu, 18 September 2013
Selasa, 17 September 2013
Konon pada suatu waktu, Tuhan memanggil tiga malaikatnya. Sambil
memperlihatkan sesuatu Tuhan berkata, “Ini namanya Kebahagiaan. Ini
sangat bernilai sekali. Ini dicari dan diperlukan oleh manusia.
Simpanlah di suatu tempat supaya manusia sendiri yang menemukannya.
Jangan ditempat yang terlalu mudah sebab nanti kebahagiaan ini
disia-siakan. Tetapi jangan pula di tempat yang terlalu susah sehingga
tidak bisa ditemukan oleh manusia. Dan yang penting, letakkan
kebahagiaan itu di tempat yang bersih”.
Setelah mendapat perintah tersebut, turunlah ketiga malaikat itu langsung ke bumi untuk meletakkan kebahagiaan tersebut. Tetapi dimana meletakkannya?
Malaikat pertama mengusulkan, “Letakan dipuncak gunung yang tinggi”.
Tetapi para malaikat yang lain kurang setuju.
Lalu malaikat kedua berkata, “Latakkan di dasar samudera”.
Usul itupun kurang disepakati.
Akhirnya malaikat ketiga membisikkan usulnya. Ketiga malaikat langsung sepakat. Malam itu juga ketika semua orang sedang tidur, ketiga malaikat itu meletakkan kebahagiaan di tempat yang dibisikkan tadi.
Sejak hari itu kebahagiaan untuk manusia tersimpan rapi di tempat itu. Rupanya tempat itu cukup susah ditemukan. Dari hari ke hari, tahun ke tahun, kita terus mencari kebahagiaan. Kita semua ingin menemukan kebahagiaan.
Kita ingin merasa bahagia. Tapi dimana mencarinya?
Ada yang mencari kebahagiaan sambil berwisata ke gunung, ada yang mencari di pantai, Ada yang mencari ditempat yang sunyi, ada yang mencari ditempat yang ramai. Kita mencari rasa bahagia di sana-sini: di pertokoan, di restoran, ditempat ibadah, di kolam renang, di lapangan olah raga, di bioskop, di layar televisi, di kantor, dan lainnya. Ada pula yang mencari kebahagiaan dengan kerja keras, sebaliknya ada pula yang bermalas-malasan. Ada yang ingin merasa bahagia dengan mencari pacar, ada yang mencari gelar, ada yang menciptakan lagu, ada yang mengarang buku, dll.
Pokoknya semua orang ingin menemukan kebahagiaan. Pernikahan misalnya, selalu dihubungkan dengan kebahagiaan. Orang seakan-akan beranggapan bahwa jika belum menikah berarti belum bahagia. Padahal semua orang juga tahu bahwa menikah tidaklah identik dengan bahagia.
Juga kekayaan sering dihubungkan dengan kebahagiaan. Alangkah bahagianya kalu aku punya ini atau itu, pikir kita. Tetapi kemudian ketika kita sudah memilikinya, kita tahu bahwa benda tersebut tidak memberi kebahagiaan.
Kita ingin menemukan kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan itu diletakkan oleh tiga malaikat secara rapi. Dimana mereka meletakkannya? Bukan dipuncak gunung seperti diusulkan oleh malaikat pertama. Bukan didasar samudera seperti usulan malaikat kedua. Melainkan di tempat yang dibisikkan oleh malaikat ketiga.
Dimanakah tempatnya?
Saya menuliskan sepenggal kisah perjalanan hidup saya untuk berbagi rasa dengan teman-teman semua, bahwa untuk mendapatkan kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan itu tidaklah mudah. Perlu perjuangan. Ibarat sebuah berlian, dimana untuk mendapatkan kilauan yang cemerlang, harus terus diasah dan ditempa sehingga kemilauan yang dihasilkan terpancar dari dalamnya.
Begitu juga hidup ini.Kita harus rendah hati.
Seringkali kita merasa minder dengan keberadaan diri kita.
Sering kali kita berkata, ach… gue mah belum jadi orang.
Tinggal aja masih ama ortu, ngontrak, TMI dll.
Kita harus ingat, bahwa yang menentukan masa depan kita adalah Tuhan.
Dan kita harus menyadari bahwa jalan Tuhan bukan jalan kita.
Tuhan akan membuat semuanya INDAH pada waktunya.
Jika menurut buku ada 7 faktor (mental, spiritual, pribadi, keluarga, karir, keuangan dan fisik) yang menentukan sukses seseorang, mengapa tidak kita coba untuk mencapainya semua itu?
Setelah kita mencapainya, bagaimana kita membuat ke-7 faktor tersebut menjadi seimbang?
Yang penting disini adalah hikmat.
Barangsiapa yang bijaksana dapat mencapai kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan di dalam hidup ini.
Oh ya…, dimanakah para malaikat menyimpan kebahagiaan itu?
Setelah mendapat perintah tersebut, turunlah ketiga malaikat itu langsung ke bumi untuk meletakkan kebahagiaan tersebut. Tetapi dimana meletakkannya?
Malaikat pertama mengusulkan, “Letakan dipuncak gunung yang tinggi”.
Tetapi para malaikat yang lain kurang setuju.
Lalu malaikat kedua berkata, “Latakkan di dasar samudera”.
Usul itupun kurang disepakati.
Akhirnya malaikat ketiga membisikkan usulnya. Ketiga malaikat langsung sepakat. Malam itu juga ketika semua orang sedang tidur, ketiga malaikat itu meletakkan kebahagiaan di tempat yang dibisikkan tadi.
Sejak hari itu kebahagiaan untuk manusia tersimpan rapi di tempat itu. Rupanya tempat itu cukup susah ditemukan. Dari hari ke hari, tahun ke tahun, kita terus mencari kebahagiaan. Kita semua ingin menemukan kebahagiaan.
Kita ingin merasa bahagia. Tapi dimana mencarinya?
Ada yang mencari kebahagiaan sambil berwisata ke gunung, ada yang mencari di pantai, Ada yang mencari ditempat yang sunyi, ada yang mencari ditempat yang ramai. Kita mencari rasa bahagia di sana-sini: di pertokoan, di restoran, ditempat ibadah, di kolam renang, di lapangan olah raga, di bioskop, di layar televisi, di kantor, dan lainnya. Ada pula yang mencari kebahagiaan dengan kerja keras, sebaliknya ada pula yang bermalas-malasan. Ada yang ingin merasa bahagia dengan mencari pacar, ada yang mencari gelar, ada yang menciptakan lagu, ada yang mengarang buku, dll.
Pokoknya semua orang ingin menemukan kebahagiaan. Pernikahan misalnya, selalu dihubungkan dengan kebahagiaan. Orang seakan-akan beranggapan bahwa jika belum menikah berarti belum bahagia. Padahal semua orang juga tahu bahwa menikah tidaklah identik dengan bahagia.
Juga kekayaan sering dihubungkan dengan kebahagiaan. Alangkah bahagianya kalu aku punya ini atau itu, pikir kita. Tetapi kemudian ketika kita sudah memilikinya, kita tahu bahwa benda tersebut tidak memberi kebahagiaan.
Kita ingin menemukan kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan itu diletakkan oleh tiga malaikat secara rapi. Dimana mereka meletakkannya? Bukan dipuncak gunung seperti diusulkan oleh malaikat pertama. Bukan didasar samudera seperti usulan malaikat kedua. Melainkan di tempat yang dibisikkan oleh malaikat ketiga.
Dimanakah tempatnya?
Saya menuliskan sepenggal kisah perjalanan hidup saya untuk berbagi rasa dengan teman-teman semua, bahwa untuk mendapatkan kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan itu tidaklah mudah. Perlu perjuangan. Ibarat sebuah berlian, dimana untuk mendapatkan kilauan yang cemerlang, harus terus diasah dan ditempa sehingga kemilauan yang dihasilkan terpancar dari dalamnya.
Begitu juga hidup ini.Kita harus rendah hati.
Seringkali kita merasa minder dengan keberadaan diri kita.
Sering kali kita berkata, ach… gue mah belum jadi orang.
Tinggal aja masih ama ortu, ngontrak, TMI dll.
Kita harus ingat, bahwa yang menentukan masa depan kita adalah Tuhan.
Dan kita harus menyadari bahwa jalan Tuhan bukan jalan kita.
Tuhan akan membuat semuanya INDAH pada waktunya.
Jika menurut buku ada 7 faktor (mental, spiritual, pribadi, keluarga, karir, keuangan dan fisik) yang menentukan sukses seseorang, mengapa tidak kita coba untuk mencapainya semua itu?
Setelah kita mencapainya, bagaimana kita membuat ke-7 faktor tersebut menjadi seimbang?
Yang penting disini adalah hikmat.
Barangsiapa yang bijaksana dapat mencapai kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan di dalam hidup ini.
Oh ya…, dimanakah para malaikat menyimpan kebahagiaan itu?
Ibu Bilang..
Ibu selalu bilang..
suatu hari ada waktunya kamu akan jatuh cinta..
ada dimana perlu banyak waktu untuk mengerti perasaan yang begitu membahagiakan
ada dimana ada banyak waktu yang sangat ingin dimiliki
akan ada banyak kupu-kupu di dalam hatimu
mereka seakan mengedap sakit di dalam
ada dimana suatu hari nanti kau akan merasakan cinta yang sangat indah
ada dimana lagu yang terdengar biasa menjadi sangat luar biasa
akan ada dimana kata-kata yang biasa akan menjadi sangat menyentuh
akan ada hari dimana kamu akan tersenyum penuh harapan
sampai akhirnya nanti kupu-kupu itu akan keluar dari hatimu
menyempurnakan hidupmu
kamu akan melihat seseorang
yang sangat membuatmu hidup
sangat ingin dimiliki
menjaga seribu kupu-kupu yang telah keluar
akan ada dimana hatimu
tidak bisa berbohong lagi
akan ada dimana hatimu
tidak bisa ditekan lagi
akan ada banyak kupu-kupu saat kau melihat cinta
melihat seseorang yang sangat ingin dimiliki
yang ingin disentuh
yang selalu ingin kau bahagiakan
yang jika kau bersamanya kau akan merasakan bahagia yang begitu sangat
itu adalah cinta
sulit memang di jelaskan dengan kata-kata
apapun yang orang katakan padamu..
tentang bagaimana hidupmu
dan siapapun yang kau cintai
jangan dengarkan
ikuti kata hatimu
maka dialah cinta
suatu hari ada waktunya kamu akan jatuh cinta..
ada dimana perlu banyak waktu untuk mengerti perasaan yang begitu membahagiakan
ada dimana ada banyak waktu yang sangat ingin dimiliki
akan ada banyak kupu-kupu di dalam hatimu
mereka seakan mengedap sakit di dalam
ada dimana suatu hari nanti kau akan merasakan cinta yang sangat indah
ada dimana lagu yang terdengar biasa menjadi sangat luar biasa
akan ada dimana kata-kata yang biasa akan menjadi sangat menyentuh
akan ada hari dimana kamu akan tersenyum penuh harapan
sampai akhirnya nanti kupu-kupu itu akan keluar dari hatimu
menyempurnakan hidupmu
kamu akan melihat seseorang
yang sangat membuatmu hidup
sangat ingin dimiliki
menjaga seribu kupu-kupu yang telah keluar
akan ada dimana hatimu
tidak bisa berbohong lagi
akan ada dimana hatimu
tidak bisa ditekan lagi
akan ada banyak kupu-kupu saat kau melihat cinta
melihat seseorang yang sangat ingin dimiliki
yang ingin disentuh
yang selalu ingin kau bahagiakan
yang jika kau bersamanya kau akan merasakan bahagia yang begitu sangat
itu adalah cinta
sulit memang di jelaskan dengan kata-kata
apapun yang orang katakan padamu..
tentang bagaimana hidupmu
dan siapapun yang kau cintai
jangan dengarkan
ikuti kata hatimu
maka dialah cinta
Kamis, 12 September 2013
Hampir Mati
aku hampir mati karna mengingatmu setiap saat
tapi kamu tak pernah mengerti itu
umurku baru saja 19
tapi entah kenapa otakku terus-terusnya berfikir untuk segala masa depan
untuk ibu
untuk bapak
aku ingin tinggal bersama mereka
merawat mereka..
ada disamping mereka..
aku ingin mereka bahagia..
aku ingin mengabulkan apapun yang mereka minta
sedangkan kini, aku masih di bawah
bahkan kadang ibu, masih kirimin aku pulsa :'D
itupun kadang aku berfikir.. ya Tuhan
aku ini seharusnya bisa ngurus diri aku sendiri..
tapi aku tetap mencintai kamu
apa adanya kamu
kamu yang menyakitkan
kamu yang mungkin tak akan pernah dimiliki selamanya
kadang merasa bodoh
dan tentunya.. merasa agak goblog
dengan semua yang aku kerjakan disini
belum ada hasil apa-apa
belum ada hasil nyata yang bener-bener buat bapak bahagia
aku berfikir lebih tinggi dari umurku seharusnya
entah itu bener
atau salah
tapi fikiran-fikiran itu membuatku termotivasi
tapi juga kadang membuat down-
tapi aku tetap mencintaimu
seberapapun kamu jauh
seberapapun kamu sering berkata kasar
aku pernah mendengar sebuah kalimat yang menurutku egois tetapi mengandung banyak motivasi didalamnya..
tapi kamu tak pernah mengerti itu
umurku baru saja 19
tapi entah kenapa otakku terus-terusnya berfikir untuk segala masa depan
untuk ibu
untuk bapak
aku ingin tinggal bersama mereka
merawat mereka..
ada disamping mereka..
aku ingin mereka bahagia..
aku ingin mengabulkan apapun yang mereka minta
sedangkan kini, aku masih di bawah
bahkan kadang ibu, masih kirimin aku pulsa :'D
itupun kadang aku berfikir.. ya Tuhan
aku ini seharusnya bisa ngurus diri aku sendiri..
tapi aku tetap mencintai kamu
apa adanya kamu
kamu yang menyakitkan
kamu yang mungkin tak akan pernah dimiliki selamanya
kadang merasa bodoh
dan tentunya.. merasa agak goblog
dengan semua yang aku kerjakan disini
belum ada hasil apa-apa
belum ada hasil nyata yang bener-bener buat bapak bahagia
aku berfikir lebih tinggi dari umurku seharusnya
entah itu bener
atau salah
tapi fikiran-fikiran itu membuatku termotivasi
tapi juga kadang membuat down-
tapi aku tetap mencintaimu
seberapapun kamu jauh
seberapapun kamu sering berkata kasar
aku pernah mendengar sebuah kalimat yang menurutku egois tetapi mengandung banyak motivasi didalamnya..
'jangan pernah merasa akan gagal'
12 September 2013
Kamis, 12 September 2013
iya.. aku memang masih membenci september dan rokok tentunya.
tapi bulan september ini.. ada gejolak berbeda di hatiku yang ingin sekali aku lakukan dari dulu. iya masih sama, masih bercita-cita menjadi guru bagi anak-anak.
tadi pukul 18.15 aku keluar kost dan berjalan menuju stasiun Gondangdia, menteng, jakarta pusat.
sebenernya aku agak takut untuk mulai ini sendirian tanpa bantuan siapapun. apalagi ini jakarta, buka kota kelahiranku, but sure.. ini tetap indonesia. negara kelahiranku. aku tidak pernah ingin menyombongkan diri di dalam tulisan ini.. aku hanya ingin berbagi sedikit kisah yang malam ini membuatku terasa tersentuh..
niatku cuma ingin mendekat, mendekati anak-anak kecil yang tidur di pinggir jalan.. di trotoar.. di samping gerobak sampah, dan tidur di atas jembatan gantung. aku melihat ada dua anak kecil perempuan di dekat parkiran motor tadi.. aku mencoba mendekat walaupun agak takut. yang satu masih kecil banget..kayaknya masih balita, dan yang satu umuran anak SD.. aku perkenalin diri sama mereka, mereka cuma diem dan kayaknya sinis ngeliat aku. aku senyum, mereka masih diem.. terus aku coba nanya sama mereka.. aku tanya baik-baik...bener-bener hati-hati..
aku: kalian sekolah dik?
SD: kenapa kamu nanya2?
aku: mm.. kaka cuma pengen tau aja dik..
SD: makan aja syukur!! sekolah!!!!
aku tersentak.. kaget, sedih campur aduk.
kesannya aku tuh kaya... argghhh!
mereka pergi gitu aja, bahkan setengah berlari. mungkin mereka jenuh, atau kecapekan mau cepat-cepat pulang..atau TAKUT dengan orang lain seperti aku?
ya Tuhan...
lalu..tiba-tiba, ada segerombolan anak laki-laki, masih anak-anak.. mungkin sekarang kalau sekolah mereka kelas empat-lima SD. mereka deketin aku dan..
X: teteh ngapain disini?
aku: oh gak, teteh cuma mau beli nasi goreng
X: bukan asli sini ya teh?
aku: teteh tinggal di gang tembok situ, deket kok
X: oh.. sendirian ya teh?
aku: enggak, tuh sama temen (aku nunjuk siapapun yang ada disitu)
X: oh..
aku: kalian pada mau kemana?
X: kita mau ke parung teh.. jauh dari sini yah
aku: aduh..teteh ga tau dik.. eh, kamu kelas berapa?
X: aku ga sekolah teh
aku: temen-temen kamu..?
X: mereka juga ga pada sekolah..
aku: terus?
X: kita kerja teh.. keliling-keliling gitu..
aku: kerja apaan?
X: ah, teteh mau tau aja. pokoknya yang bisa dapet duit
tadinya aku kira mereka anak-anak nakal yang biasanya aku temui di pinggir jalan, yang kadang berbuat yang tidak ****
aku: umurnya berapa dik..?
X: delapan tahun teh, itu juga kalo ga salah.. soalnya ga tau kapan lahir, hahaha si emak langsung buang aku ke jamban
aku: emang ibu tinggal dimana dik..?
X: ga punya ibu
aku: oh.. jadi sama bapak yah?
X: ga juga, kita tuh tinggal bareng-bareng teh..
aku: mau ga belajar baca tulis sama teteh?
ya Tuhan hatiku..
cukuplah. ga bisa nerusin ini lagi..
terima kasih september untuk petualangan malam ini.
iya.. aku memang masih membenci september dan rokok tentunya.
tapi bulan september ini.. ada gejolak berbeda di hatiku yang ingin sekali aku lakukan dari dulu. iya masih sama, masih bercita-cita menjadi guru bagi anak-anak.
tadi pukul 18.15 aku keluar kost dan berjalan menuju stasiun Gondangdia, menteng, jakarta pusat.
sebenernya aku agak takut untuk mulai ini sendirian tanpa bantuan siapapun. apalagi ini jakarta, buka kota kelahiranku, but sure.. ini tetap indonesia. negara kelahiranku. aku tidak pernah ingin menyombongkan diri di dalam tulisan ini.. aku hanya ingin berbagi sedikit kisah yang malam ini membuatku terasa tersentuh..
niatku cuma ingin mendekat, mendekati anak-anak kecil yang tidur di pinggir jalan.. di trotoar.. di samping gerobak sampah, dan tidur di atas jembatan gantung. aku melihat ada dua anak kecil perempuan di dekat parkiran motor tadi.. aku mencoba mendekat walaupun agak takut. yang satu masih kecil banget..kayaknya masih balita, dan yang satu umuran anak SD.. aku perkenalin diri sama mereka, mereka cuma diem dan kayaknya sinis ngeliat aku. aku senyum, mereka masih diem.. terus aku coba nanya sama mereka.. aku tanya baik-baik...bener-bener hati-hati..
aku: kalian sekolah dik?
SD: kenapa kamu nanya2?
aku: mm.. kaka cuma pengen tau aja dik..
SD: makan aja syukur!! sekolah!!!!
aku tersentak.. kaget, sedih campur aduk.
kesannya aku tuh kaya... argghhh!
mereka pergi gitu aja, bahkan setengah berlari. mungkin mereka jenuh, atau kecapekan mau cepat-cepat pulang..atau TAKUT dengan orang lain seperti aku?
ya Tuhan...
lalu..tiba-tiba, ada segerombolan anak laki-laki, masih anak-anak.. mungkin sekarang kalau sekolah mereka kelas empat-lima SD. mereka deketin aku dan..
X: teteh ngapain disini?
aku: oh gak, teteh cuma mau beli nasi goreng
X: bukan asli sini ya teh?
aku: teteh tinggal di gang tembok situ, deket kok
X: oh.. sendirian ya teh?
aku: enggak, tuh sama temen (aku nunjuk siapapun yang ada disitu)
X: oh..
aku: kalian pada mau kemana?
X: kita mau ke parung teh.. jauh dari sini yah
aku: aduh..teteh ga tau dik.. eh, kamu kelas berapa?
X: aku ga sekolah teh
aku: temen-temen kamu..?
X: mereka juga ga pada sekolah..
aku: terus?
X: kita kerja teh.. keliling-keliling gitu..
aku: kerja apaan?
X: ah, teteh mau tau aja. pokoknya yang bisa dapet duit
tadinya aku kira mereka anak-anak nakal yang biasanya aku temui di pinggir jalan, yang kadang berbuat yang tidak ****
aku: umurnya berapa dik..?
X: delapan tahun teh, itu juga kalo ga salah.. soalnya ga tau kapan lahir, hahaha si emak langsung buang aku ke jamban
aku: emang ibu tinggal dimana dik..?
X: ga punya ibu
aku: oh.. jadi sama bapak yah?
X: ga juga, kita tuh tinggal bareng-bareng teh..
aku: mau ga belajar baca tulis sama teteh?
ya Tuhan hatiku..
cukuplah. ga bisa nerusin ini lagi..
terima kasih september untuk petualangan malam ini.
Jumat, 06 September 2013
7 Kebiasaan memperkaya hidup
7 kebiasaan yang memperkaya hidup
1. Kebiasaan mengucap syukur.
Ini adalah kebiasaan istimewa yang bisa mengubah hidup selalu menjadi lebih baik. Bahkan agama mendorong kita bersyukur tidak saja untuk hal-hal yang baik , tapi juga dalam kesussahan dan hari-hari yang buruk.. Ada rahasia besar dibalik ucapan syukur yang sudah terbukti sepanjang sejarah. Hellen Keller yang buta dan tuli sejak usia dua tahun , telah menjadi orang yang terkenal dan dikagumi diseluruh dunia. Salah satu ucapannya yang banyak memotivasi orang adalah “Aku bersyukur atas cacat-cacat ini aku menemukan diriku, pekerjaanku dan Tuhanku”. Memang sulit untuk bersyukur,namun kita bisa belajar secara bertahap. Mulailah mensyukuri kehidupan, mensyukuri berkat , kesehatan, keluarga, sahabat dsb. Lama kelamaan Anda bahkan bisa bersyukur atas kesusahan dan situasi yang buruk.2. Kebiasaan berpikir positif.
Hidup kita dibentuk oleh apa yang paling sering kita pikirkan. Kalau selalu berpikiran positif, kita cenderung menjadi pribadi yang yang positif. Ciri-ciri dari pikiran yang positif selalu mengarah kepada kebenaran, kebaikan, kasih sayang, harapan dan suka cita. Sering-seringlah memantau apa yang sedang Anda pikirkan. Kalau Anda terbenam dalam pikiran negatif, kendalikanlah segera kearah yang positif. Jadikanlah berpikir positif sebagai kebiasaan dan lihatlah betapa banyak hal-hal positif sebagai kebiasaan dan lihatlah betapa banyak hal-hal positif yang akan Anda alami.3. Kebiasaan berempati.
Kemampuan berhubungan dengan orang lain merupakan kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh banyak orang sukses. Dan salah satu unsur penting dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain adalah empati, kemampuan atau kepekaan untuk memandang dari sudut pandang orang lain.Orang yang empati bahkan bisa merasakan perasaan orang lain . Orang yang empati bahkan bisa merasakan perasaan orang lain, mengerti keinginannya dan menangkap motif dibalik sikap orang lain. Ini berlawanan sekali dengan sikap egois , yang justru menuntut diperhatikan dan dimengerti orang lain. Meskipun tidak semua orang mudah berempati , namun kita bisa belajar dengan membiasakan diri melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang empatik. Misalnya, jadilah pendengar yang baik, belajarlah menempatkan diri pada posisi orang lain, belajarlah melakukan apa yang Anda ingin orang lain lakukankepada Anda, dsb.4. Kebiasaan mendahulukan yang penting .
Pikirkanlah apa saja yang paling penting, dan dahulukanlah!. Jangan biarkan hidup Anda terjebak dalam hal-hal yang tidak penting sementara hal-hal yang penting terabaikan. Mulailah memilah-milah mana yang penting dan mana yg tidak, kebiasaan mendahulukan yang penting akan membuat hidup Anda efektif dan produktif dan meningkatkan citra diri Anda secara signifikan.5. Kebiasaan bertindak.
Bila Anda sudah mempunyai pengetahuan , sudah mempunyai tujuan yang hendak dicapai dan sudah mempunyai kesadaran mengenai apa yang harus dilakukan , maka langkah selanjutnya adalah bertindak. Biasakan untuk mengahargai waktu, lawanlah rasa malas dengan bersikap aktif. Banyak orang yang gagal dalam hidup karena hanya mempunyai impian dan hanya mempunyai tujuan tapi tak mau melangkah.6. Kebiasaan menabur benih.
Prinsip tabur benih ini berlaku dalam kehidupan. Pada waktunya Anda akan menuai yang Anda tabur. Bayangkanlah , betapa kayanya hidup Anda bila Anda selalu menebar benih ‘kebaikan’. Tapi sebaliknya, betapa miskinnya Anda bila rajin menabur keburukan.7. Kebiasaan hidup jujur.
Tanpa kejujuran , kita tidak bisa menjadi pribadiyang utuh, bahkan bisa merusak harga diri dan masa depan Anda sendiri. Mulailah membiasakan diri bersikap jujur, tidak saja kepada diri sendir tapi juga terhadap orang lain. Mulailah mengatakan kebenaran, meskipun mengandung resiko. Bila Anda berbohong , kendalikanlah kebohongan Anda sedikit demi sedikitIstimewa Wanita
Apa yang Istimewa Dari Seorang Wanita?
23 Votes
Anak : “Ayah, mengapa seorang wanita itu sangat mudah menangis?”
Ayah : “Seorang wanita itu mudah menangis karena Allah menciptakan bahu yang cukup kuat untuk menopang dunia, namun harus cukup lembut untuk memberi kenyamanan!”
Anak : “Menopang dunia?”
Ayah : “Iya, karena wanita memiliki peranan sangat penting di dunia ini!”
Anak : “Bisa ayah jelaskan apa yang istimewa dari seorang wanita?”
Ayah : “Allah memberikan kekuatan dari dalam untuk mampu melahirkan anak, dan menerima penolakan yang sering datang dari anak-anaknya. Allah memberi kekerasan untuk membuatnya tegar saat orang lain menyerah, namun dia mengasuh keluarganya dengan penderitaan dan kelelahan tanpa mengeluh.”
Anak : “Seistimewa itu yah.?”
Ayah : “Bukan hanya itu, Allah juga memberikan kepekaan untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam setiap keadaan. Bahkan ketika anak-anaknya bersikap sangat menyakiti hatinya.”
Anak : “Ternyata wanita itu sungguh luar biasa ya, ayah?!”
Ayah : “Masih ada lagi keistimewaan yang dimilik seorang wanita.”
Anak : “Apa itu yah?”
Ayah : “Allah memberinya kekuatan untuk mendukung suaminya dalam kegagalan dan melengkapi tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi hatinya. Allah memberi kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui bahwa suami yang baik tak akan pernah menyakiti istrinya. Tetapi kadang menguji kekuatannya dan ketetapan hatinya untuk berada di sisi suaminya tanpa ragu.”
Anak : “Lalu bagaimana dengan lelaki?”
Ayah : “Lelaki harus membuat wanita merasa nyaman dan terlindungi saat berada disampingnya. Jangan pernah membuat hati wanita terluka, jika lelaki berniat mempermainkan wanita, ingatlah pengorbanan wanita yang telah melahirkannya.”
Senandung Lagu
Senandung Lagu Cinta
July 8, 2012 at 12:03pm
Senandung lagu cinta tercipta untukmuYang getarkan jiwa ini lumpuhkan jantungku
Kecantikan sempurna yang tak terlukiskan
Bahagiakan diri ini saat bersamamu
Meskipun kusadari tak mungkin memelukmu
Waktu kau isyaratkan,, bahwa dirimu tlah bersamanya
Tatap matamu tuk yang terakhir
Siksa bathinku yang mencintamu
Kupasrahkan pada illahi...relakanmu untuknya...
Jurang yang dalam pisahkan kita
Yang tak mungkin untuk dilalui
Biarlah lagu cinta ini terdengar dalam kalbu....
Lekuk tubuh anggunmu bagaikan sang dewi
Di dalam sanubariku terukir wajahmu..
Meskipun kusadari tak mungkin memelukmu
Waktu kau isyaratkan bahwa dirimu tlah bersamanya...

Tentang Indonesia
Ini tentang Indonesia..
Jujur, sangat sulit untuk aku menulis tentang negara yang sangat aku cintai ini.. mungkin karena banyak hal buruk yang entah mengapa sedikit mengacaukan image indonesia. dari mulai kebodohan pemerintahnya, perusakan alam yang indah dengan hebatnya dan juga.. ketidakrataan kemiskinan indonesia.
dari semua hal itu, aku paling benci menonton berita yang isinya hanyakerusuhan, pembunuhan, demo buruh, bunuh diri, pemerkosaan, pencopetan sampai dengan.. pe'mutilasi'an.
kasian indonesia.. aku merasa di anak tirikan sekarang. indonesia seakan hancur melebur. padahal aku begitu menyayanginya. entah sampai kapan ini akan terus berlanjut. sampai akhirnya aku menutup telinga dan menutup mata tentang pemberitaan paparazi yang terus menerus mengejek indonesia.
kemaren, aku sempat berada di sebuah pedesaan kecil, dan melihat anak-anak bahkan sampai kakek-kakek masih merayakan HUT indonesia dengan sederhana. tapi kesederhanaan itu telah membuat aku ingat akan satu hal. bahwa, indonesia tidak bersalah, manusia yang bertindak kejam itu yang menodainya. dan aku tekankan!para koruptor! pembunuh! pemerkosa! adalah bukan orang indonesia!
indonesia itu sederhana. dan sulit sekali di artikan. ya.. indonesia sama dengan cinta, cinta sulit di artikan. bagiku.. indonesia adalah cinta. aliran putih..sederhana dan indah.
Jujur, sangat sulit untuk aku menulis tentang negara yang sangat aku cintai ini.. mungkin karena banyak hal buruk yang entah mengapa sedikit mengacaukan image indonesia. dari mulai kebodohan pemerintahnya, perusakan alam yang indah dengan hebatnya dan juga.. ketidakrataan kemiskinan indonesia.
dari semua hal itu, aku paling benci menonton berita yang isinya hanya
kasian indonesia.. aku merasa di anak tirikan sekarang. indonesia seakan hancur melebur. padahal aku begitu menyayanginya. entah sampai kapan ini akan terus berlanjut. sampai akhirnya aku menutup telinga dan menutup mata tentang pemberitaan paparazi yang terus menerus mengejek indonesia.
kemaren, aku sempat berada di sebuah pedesaan kecil, dan melihat anak-anak bahkan sampai kakek-kakek masih merayakan HUT indonesia dengan sederhana. tapi kesederhanaan itu telah membuat aku ingat akan satu hal. bahwa, indonesia tidak bersalah, manusia yang bertindak kejam itu yang menodainya. dan aku tekankan!
indonesia itu sederhana. dan sulit sekali di artikan. ya.. indonesia sama dengan cinta, cinta sulit di artikan. bagiku.. indonesia adalah cinta. aliran putih..sederhana dan indah.
Jumat, 10 Mei 2013
jadi maafkanlah aku
semua sikapku
semua khilafku
telah mengulur tarik hatimu
telah menjatuhkanmu
telah menyakitimu
lebih baik kau menjauh dariku
melupakan segala tentangku
sakitmu itu
anggap saja semuanya angin lalu
dan bukalah lembar baru hidupmu
tak akan ku usik lagi hidupmu
tak akan pernah
terima kasih dan maaf.
semua sikapku
semua khilafku
telah mengulur tarik hatimu
telah menjatuhkanmu
telah menyakitimu
lebih baik kau menjauh dariku
melupakan segala tentangku
sakitmu itu
anggap saja semuanya angin lalu
dan bukalah lembar baru hidupmu
tak akan ku usik lagi hidupmu
tak akan pernah
terima kasih dan maaf.
renungan hati |
Sabtu, 27 April 2013
Adam Levinee
Adam Levine
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Adam Levine | |
Levine tampil bersama Maroon 5 pada tahun 2009 di Neighborhood Inauguration Ball, Washington, D.C. |
Latar belakang | |
Nama lahir | Adam Noah Levine |
Lahir | 18 Maret 1979 (umur 34) |
Genre | Alternative rock, funk rock, pop rock, soul |
Pekerjaan | Musisi, penulis lagu |
Instrumen | Vokal, gitar, bass, piano |
Tahun aktif | 1994–sekarang |
Label | A&M / Octone |
Artis terkait | Maroon 5, Kara's Flowers, Kanye West, Natasha Bedingfield, Ying Yang Twins, Alicia Keys, K'naan, Rihanna, Slash, Gym Class Heroes, Christina Aguilera |
Situs web | www.maroon5.com |
Daftar isi |
Kehidupan awal
Levine dilahirkan di daerah Los Angeles, California dari pasangan Patsy Noah dan Fred Levine.[2] Pamannya adalah seorang jurnalis dan penulis, Timothy Noah.[3] Dia memilki seorang saudara laki-laki, Michael, dan seorang saudara perempuan, Julia Milne.[4] Ketika dia berusia delapan tahun, dia pernah berhasil membuat tembakan kemenangan pada kejuaraan basket lokal YMCA (dalam sebuah tim yang dilatih ayahnya) dengan tidak ada waktu tersisa di papan jam. Dia mengatakan bahwa insiden tersebut mengubah hidupnya dan memberikan dia kepercayaan diri untuk menjadi sukses dan bahwa tidak ada yang tidak mungkin.[5][6]Levine mengikuti French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts Camp, Hancock, New York bersama dengan seorang temannya Jesse Carmichael, yang pada saat itu adalah gitaris dari band lokal Kara's Flowers. Levine lulus dari Brentwood High School pada tahun 1997.
Levine memiliki keturunan Yahudi dari kedua sisi orang tuanya, yaitu dari ayahnya dan kakek dari ibunya. Levine sendiri menganggap dirinya adalah seorang Yahudi, walaupun berdasarkan keterangan The Jewish Chronicle, yang mewawancarai Levine, “he has rejected formal religious practice for a more generalized, spiritual way of life.” Saat berusia anak-anak, ketika ditanya oleh ayahnya apakah dia menginginkan bar mitzvah, Levine menjawab tidak.[7]
Karier musikal
Kara's Flowers
Dibentuk di Brentwood School, Los Angeles, Kara's Flower merilis album pertama mereka berjudul The Fourth World pada tahun 1997 di tahun senior SMA mereka. Pada tahun yang sama, mereka tampil di sebuah episode Beverly Hills, 90210. Album mereka kurang menuai sukses, dan satu-satunya singel dari album tersebut, "Soap Disco", gagal secara komersial. Kecewa dengan hasil album mereka, para anggota band pergi sesuai jalannya masing-masing.[8]Levine dan Carmichael meninggalkan Los Angeles menuju New York. Ini adalah kali pertama bagi mereka sebagai orang asli Los Angeles mendapat pandangan terhadap kancah musik yang benar-benar berbeda, sebuah kesadaran budaya terhadap kedua orang tersebut.[9] Pada MTV News tahun 2002, Levine mengatakan, “That's when I started waking up to the whole hip hop, R&B thing. We had friends named Chaos and shit, it was not Brentwood High.”[10]
Maroon 5
Pada saat itu, Levine bekerja selama dua minggu sebagai seorang pelayan di Johnny Rockets.[11] Setelah keluar dari Five Towns College, Levine dan Jesse bertemu kembali dengan Mickey dan Ryan pada tahun 2001. Mereka juga mengajak mantan gitaris Square, James Valentine. Mereka sepakat kembali membentuk band dengan nama Maroon 5. Levine dan temannya mulai menghimpun seluruh materi pengaruh baru mereka dalam musik. Sementara Levine menyambi bekerja sebagai asisten penulis dalam acara televisi "Judging Amy," dia juga menghabiskan waktunya dengan menulis lirik tentang mantan kekasihnya, Jane. Lirik-lirik tersebut nantinya menjadi bagian dari album "Songs About Jane."[11]Album Songs About Jane pun mendapat sukses komersial dan menuntun Maroon 5 kepada sukses internasional. Maroon 5 hingga saat ini juga telah merilis album It Won't Be Soon Before Long dan Hands All Over.
Pekerjaan lain
Levine juga pernah membuat penampilan televisi yang cukup terkenal. Pada tahun 2007, dia tampil pada pembukaan musim ke-33 dari Saturday Night Live di sebuah SNL Digital Short bernama Iran So Far dengan Andy Samberg, Fred Armisen dan Jake Gyllenhaal. Levine bercanda sendiri ketika dia menyanyikan bagian bridge lagu "Love Song" untuk Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. pada tahun 2008, dia tampil dalam acara Comedy Central episode "Night Of Too Many Stars". Levine juga tampil sebagai figuran pada acara Jimmy Kimmel Live ketika Barack Obama tampil dalam acara tersebut untuk Pemilu Amerika Serikat 2008. Levine juga pernah menjadi bintang tamu pada episode terakhi musim ketiga acara 30 Rock dalam episode "Kidney Now!".
Pada bulan Oktober 2008, Levine berkolaborasi dengan First Act untuk membuat First Act 222 Guitar yang dirancang sesuai spesifikasi. Gitar tersebut dapat tersedia untuk dibeli di toko Target.[13]
Levine pernah menyatakan dalam bebrapa wawancara bahwa dia tidak berencana untuk terus bekerja dalam Maroon 5 selamanya, dan mungkin akan berhenti setelah tour album ketiga mereka selesai.[14][15] Pada 2009, Levine merekam lagu "Gotten", sebuah lagu untuk album solo pertama Slash, Slash, yang dirilis pada bulan April 2010. "Gotten" masuk pertama kali di amazon.com pada 29 Maret 2010.[16] Pada bulan Februari 2010, dia ikut ambil bagian dalam 80 musisi yang menyanyikan singel amal "We Are the World 25 for Haiti".
Levine menjadi salah satu juri dan pelatih kontestan dalam acara TV menyanyi, The Voice.[17] The winner, Javier Colon, was on Levine's team.
Kehidupan pribadi
Mantan kekasih Levine, Jane, adalah inspirasi utama dibalik album perdana Maroon 5 Songs About Jane. Pada sebuah wawancara tahun 2004, dia mengatakan bahwa Jane tidak pernah menghubunginya sehubungan dengan sukses album tersebut.[18] Levine sendiri adalah seorang "pecandu mobil". Mobil favoritnya adalah 1971 Mercedes 280 SE 3.5 Cabriolet.[19]Pada tahun 2006, Levine mematahkan tulang dadanya saat berlatih angkat beban. Dia menyebut pengalaman tersebut “salah satu hal paling menyakitkan yang pernah kualami.”[11] Dia kemudian mulai mengenakan spotters ketika melakukan angkat beban sebelum akhirnya menghentikannya dan memulai latihan yoga pada tahun 2007.[20]
Pada bulan September 2010, mengatakan dalam Howard Stern Show dia telah mengencani seorang model Victoria's Secret dan Sports Illustrated asal Rusia, Anne Vyalitsyna selama kurang lebih delapan bulan. Mereka bertemu pertama kali ketika Maroon 5 tampil dalam rilis Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Las Vegas pada tahun 2010.[21]
Pada saat usia remaja, Levine pernah didiagnosa dengan Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Pada tahun 2011, dia meluncurkan sebuah kampanye edukasional untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap ADHD, bernama "Own It".[22]

Kamis, 25 April 2013
Rabu, 24 April 2013
Selasa, 23 April 2013
Europe : France : Île-de-France : Paris
- For other places with the same name, see Paris (disambiguation).
- Paris is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings — consider printing them all.
Contents[hide] |
[edit] Districts
The city of Paris itself is officially divided into 20 districts called arrondissements, numbered from 1 to 20 in a clockwise spiral from the centre of the city (which is known as Kilometre Zero and is located at the front of Notre Dame). Arrondissements are named according to their number. You might, for example, stay in the "5th", which would be written as 5e in French. The 12th and 16th arrondissements include large suburban parks, the Bois de Vincennes, and the Bois de Boulogne respectively.The very best map you can get for Paris is called "Paris Pratique par Arrondissement" which you can buy for about €3-5 at any news stand. It makes navigating the city easy: so much that one can imagine that the introduction of such map-books might be part of what made the arrondissement concept so popular in the first place. Alternately you can print your own using our maps. The various tourist information centres and hotels in Paris also provide various city and metro maps for free and which have all the necessary details for a tourist.
Each arrondissement has its own unique character and selection of attractions for the traveller:
- 1st (1er). The geographical centre of Paris and a great starting point for travellers. The Musée du Louvre, the Jardin des Tuileries, Place Vendôme, Les Halles, Palais Royal, Comédie-Française, and Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel are all to be found here.
- 2nd (2e). The central business district of the city - the Bourse (the Paris Stock Exchange), Opéra-Comique, Théâtre des Variétés, Passage des Panoramas, Théâtre des Bouffes Parisiens and the former Bibliothèque Nationale are located here.
- 3rd (3e). Archives Nationales, Musée Carnavalet, Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, Hôtel de Soubise, the Former Temple fortress, and the northern, quieter part of the Marais can be found here.
- 4th (4e). Notre-Dame de Paris, the Hôtel de Ville (Paris city hall), Hôtel de Sully, Rue des Rosiers and the Jewish Quartier, Beaubourg, Le Marais, Bazar de l'Hôtel de Ville, Mémorial de la Shoah, Centre Georges Pompidou, l'atelier Brancusi, Place des Vosges, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Saint-Jacques Tower and Parisian island Île Saint-Louis can be found here.
- 5th (5e). Jardin des Plantes, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Musée de Cluny, The Panthéon, Quartier Latin, Universités, La Sorbonne, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Église Saint-Séverin, La Grande Mosquée, Le Musée de l'AP-HP can be located here.
- 6th (6e). Jardin du Luxembourg as well as its Sénat, Place Saint-Michel, Église Saint-Sulpice and Saint-Germain des Prés can be found here.
- 7th (7e). Tour Eiffel and its Parc du Champ de Mars, Les Invalides, Musée d'Orsay, Assemblée Nationale and its subset administrations, Ecole Militaire, and Parisian mega-store Le Bon Marché can be found here.
- 8th (8e). Champs-Elysées, Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Concorde, le Palais de l'Elysée, Église de la Madeleine,Jacquemart-Andre Museum, Gare Saint-Lazare, Grand Palais and Petit Palais can be found here.
- 9th (9e). Opéra Garnier, Galeries Lafayette, Musée Grévin, and Folies Bergère can be found here.
- 10th (10e). Canal Saint-Martin, Gare du Nord, Gare de l'Est, Porte Saint-Denis, Porte Saint-Martin, Passage Brady, Passage du Prado, and Église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul can be found here.
- 11th (11e). The bars and restaurants of Rue Oberkampf, Bastille, Nation, New Jewish Quarter, Cirque d'Hiver, and Église Saint-Ambroise can be found here.
- 12th (12e). Opéra Bastille, Bercy Park and Village, Promenade Plantée, Quartier d'Aligre, Gare de Lyon, Cimetière de Picpus, Viaduc des arts the Bois de Vincennes, and the Zoo de Vincennes can be found here.
- 13th (13e). Quartier la Petite Asie, Place d'Italie, La Butte aux Cailles, Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF), Gare d'Austerlitz, Manufacture des Gobelins, Butte-aux-Cailles and Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital can be found here.
- 14th (14e). Cimetière du Montparnasse, Gare Montparnasse, La Santé Prison, Denfert-Rochereau, Parc Montsouris, Stade Charléty, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, and Paris Catacombs can be found here.
- 15th (15e). Tour Montparnasse, Porte de Versailles, Front de Seine, La Ruche and quartiers Saint-Lambert, Necker, Grenelle and Javel can be found here.
- 16th (16e). Palais de Chaillot, Musée de l'Homme, the Bois de Boulogne, Cimetière de Passy, Parc des Princes, Musée Marmottan-Monet, Trocadéro, and Avenue Foch can be found here.
- 17th (17e). Palais des Congrès, Place de Clichy, Parc Monceau, Marché Poncelet, and Square des Batignolles can be found here.
- 18th (18e). Montmartre, Pigalle, Barbès, Basilica of the Sacré Cœur, Église Saint-Jean-de-Montmartre, and Goutte d'Or can be found here.
- 19th (19e). Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Parc de la Villette, Bassin de la Villette, Parc des Buttes Chaumont, Cité de la Musique, Canal de l'Ourcq, and Canal Saint-Denis can be found here.
- 20th (20e). Cimetière de Père Lachaise, Parc de Belleville, and quartiers Belleville and Ménilmontant can be found here.
- La Défense. Although it is not officially part of the city, this skyscraper district on the western edge of town is on many visitors' must-see lists for its modern architecture and public art.
[edit] Understand
[edit] History
Paris started life as the Celto-Roman settlement of Lutetia on the Île de la Cité, the island in the Seine currently occupied by the Cathédral de Nôtre Dame. It takes its present name from name of the dominant Gallo-Celtic tribe in the region, the Parisii. At least that's what the Romans called them, when they showed up in 52 BCE and established their city Lutetia on the left bank of the Seine, in what is now called the "Latin Quarter" in the 5th arrondissement.The Romans held out here for as long as anywhere else in the Western Empire, but by 508 CE they were gone, replaced by Clovis of the Franks, who is considered by the French to have been their first king. Clovis' descendants, aka the Carolingians, held onto the expanded Lutetian state for nearly 500 years through Viking raids and other calamities, which finally resulted in a forced move by most of the population back to the islands which had been the centre of the original Celtic village. The Capetian Duke of Paris was voted to succeed the last of the Carolingians as King of France, ensuring the city a premier position in the medieval world. Over the next several centuries Paris expanded onto the right bank into what was and is still called le Marais (The Marsh). Quite a few buildings from this time can be seen in the 4th arrondissement.
The medieval period also witnessed the founding of the Sorbonne. As the "University of Paris", it became one of the most important centres for learning in Europe -- if not the whole world, for several hundred years. Most of the institutions that still constitute the University are found in the 5th, and 13th arrondissements.
In the late 18th century, there was a period of political and social upheaval in France and Europe, during which the French governmental structure, previously a monarchy with feudal privileges for the aristocracy and Catholic clergy, underwent radical change to forms based on Enlightenment principles of nationalism, citizenship, and inalienable rights. Notable events during and following the revolution were the storming of the Bastille 4th arrondissements, and the rise and fall of Napoleonic France. Out of the violent turmoil that was the French Revolution, sparked by the still known Passion des Français, emerged the enlightened modern day France.
The Paris of today was built long after the Capetian and later the Bourbon Kings of France made their mark on Paris with the Louvre and the Palais Royal, both in the 1st. In the 19th century, Baron von Hausmann set about reconstructing the city, by adding the long straight avenues and replacing many of the then existing medieval houses, with grander and more uniform buildings.
New wonders arrived during La Belle Époque, as the Parisian golden age of the late 19th century is known. Gustave Eiffel's famous tower, the first metro lines, most of the parks, and the streetlights (which are partly believed to have given the city its epithet "the city of light") all come from this period. Another source of the epithet comes from Ville Lumière, a reference not only to the revolutionary electrical lighting system implemented in the streets of Paris, but also to the prominence and aura of Enlightenment the city gained in that era.
The twentieth century was hard on Paris, but thankfully not as hard as it could have been. Hitler's order to burn the city was thankfully ignored by the German General von Choltitz who was quite possibly convinced by a Swedish diplomat that it would be better to surrender and be remembered as the saviour of Paris, than to be remembered as its destroyer. Following the war, the city recovered quickly at first, but slowed in the 1970s and 1980s when Paris began to experience some of the problems faced by big cities everywhere: pollution, housing shortages, and occasionally failed experiments in urban renewal.
During this time however, Paris enjoyed considerable growth as a multi-cultural city, with new immigrants from all corners of the world, especially La Francophonie, including most of northern and western Africa as well as Vietnam and Laos. These immigrants brought their foods and music, both of which are of prime interest for many travellers.
Immigration and multi-culturalism continues in the 21st century with a marked increase in the arrival of people from Latin America, especially Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil. In the late 1990s, it was hard to find good Mexican food in Paris, whereas today there are dozens of possibilities from lowly taquerias in the outer arrondissements to nice sit-down restaurants on the boulevards. Meanwhile Latin music from salsa to samba is all the rage (well, alongside Paris lounge electronica).
The 21st century has also seen vast improvements in the general liveability of Paris, with the Mayor's office concentrating on reducing pollution and improving facilities for soft forms of transportation including a huge network of cycle paths, larger pedestrian districts and newer faster metro lines. Visitors who normally arrive car-less are the beneficiaries of these policies as much as the Parisians themselves are.
[edit] Climate
Climate | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Daily highs (°C) | 6 | 7 | 10 | 13 | 17 | 21 | 23 | 23 | 20 | 15 | 9 | 7 |
Nightly lows (°C) | 1 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 9 | 12 | 14 | 13 | 11 | 7 | 3 | 2 |
Precipitation (mm) | 54 | 44 | 49 | 53 | 65 | 55 | 63 | 43 | 55 | 60 | 52 | 59 |
Summers in Paris are warm and pleasant, with an average high of 23°C (75°F) during the mid-summer months. Spring and fall are normally cool and wet.
With the weather being so pleasant in the summer, it's a great time to visit.
[edit] Get in
[edit] By plane
Paris is served by three international airports - for more information, including arrival/departure times, check the official sites.[edit] Charles de Gaulle International Airport (Roissy)
[1] ICAO: LFPG, IATA: CDG. The major hub airport to the north-east of the city. It's notoriously confusing, so allow plenty of time for transfers. There are three terminals: Terminal 1, Terminal 2 (which is huge and subdivided into 2A through 2G), and Terminal 3 (formerly T9). The newest exception is terminal 2G which is a separate building and is only reachable via navette/bus in 10-15 min (bus leaves every 20 min) so allow extra time. The free CDGVAL shuttle train connects the terminals together. Everything at this airport is very expensive, especially food. If you're travelling from Terminal 1 it's also worth noting that the food court is located at the CDGVAL floor, before the security check. There are hardly any benches around. There are no public shower facilities in the airport. Air France lounges have such facilities, and the departure lounges have showers. Lounge access is included for Air France business and first class travellers. The members of the Air France and cooperating frequent flyer programs may gain access with sufficient status. There is a possibility that some lounges may grant access to travellers on their flights for a fee. If you consider paying for access to the lounge, inquire when checking in for your departure. If you must have a shower and your frequent flyer status (and charm) are insufficient to gain entry to a lounge, the airport hotels generally have rooms available (in Sep 2009, the Sheraton in Terminal 2 at the train station charged €155). When you arrive at CDG, you should note what terminal you arrived at (2A, 2D, etc.), because when you come back to the airport to depart at the end of your trip, the RER subway train makes two stops at CDG to cover the three terminals, but there are few indications of which airlines are at which terminals. Have a close look at your air ticket to figure out which terminal you are departing from. Air France and associates leave from Terminal 2. The RER B has the airlines serviced by each terminal on a not so obvious chart posted by the door of the train.Say that again, please? The RER B station named "Aeroport Charles de Gaulle 1" is a misnomer - it actually serves Terminal 3, not Terminal 1. However, the CDGVAL train (free of charge) links Terminals 1, 2, and 3. |
[edit] Terminal 1
There are quite a few points with power outlets specifically for charging passengers' laptops/mobiles, both down by the food court and by some of the gates.[edit] Terminal 2E
VAT Tax refund: First, have your tax refund papers stamped at the tax refund counter in the main terminal area, before you check in with your airline. Showing goods is signposted as mandatory, usually only required for high priced, marquee items.To locate the tax refund counter in the terminal, look for the signs or ask any airline employee for directions. Don't be confused by a single queue splitting between currency exchange and tax refund office: choose tax refund if you prefer Euros--while currency exchange refunds only in USD or your national currency, both buy at a robbery rate (and with no rollback to the refund window after you realized the rate).
The line can take a long time, expect several minutes per customer. At either office, you can also receive refund for your spouse if you have their passport and refund forms.
Duty-free shopping: There are no shops before security check zone. When you shop in post-security check zone, it's not genuinely taxfree, as you can receive a tax refund for those purchases as well.
Contrary to what one may expect, there is no L'Occitane; cheese is limited to soft sorts (and there are no ripe varietes); wines starts at €11 and some popular sorts like Chinin can't be found; selection of sausages is extremely limited.
There are no mid-range clothes or shoes stores, only luxury brands.
[edit] Get in / out
For getting to or from Paris, the RER commuter train, line B, has stations in T3 (from where you can take the free CDGVAL shuttle train to T1) and T2. Trains to Paris leave every 7-8 minutes and stop at Gare du Nord, Châtelet-Les Halles, Saint-Michel Notre-Dame, Luxembourg, Port-Royal, Denfert-Rochereau and Cité Universitaire. Adult tickets cost €9.50, and for children between 4-10 the fare is €6.65 each; unusually, day tickets are normally not valid for travel to and from the airport. The train takes around 35 minutes to Gare du Nord and 45 minutes to Denfert-Rochereau, making this the fastest way to get to the city. Tickets can be purchased either through green (sometimes blue) automated ticket vending machines ("Billetterie Ile-de-France") or through the ticket office serviced by transport authority personnel. Engineering works near CDG Terminal-1 and Aulnay-Sois-Bois stations are conducted between 2300hrs and 0100hrs everyday, so you must take a coach (bus) from Terminal 3 to the station where you can take the RER B train to Paris. The fare is included in the train ticket you purchase.The automated ticket machines accept Euro coins of €2, €1 and 50, 20, 10, 5 cent denominations and give change...Euro notes not accepted. Credit card payment is ok on this machines though. There is one separate automated machine which changes €20, €10 and €5 notes to €2 and €1 coins. However, due to the high demand, the machine frequently runs out of coins. There are currency exchange centres, but they explicitly state notes will not be changed for coins. Alternatively, except for some non-European credit cards, many smart-chip credit cards can be used on the ticket machines . Because of these limitations, purchasing tickets from the ticket office may seem to be an attractive method. Although there are many counters, the queues can be very long. On Sunday at "lesser" stations, don't count on its ticket office being open. Although it is a nuisance, the fastest way to get some tickets is to take a lot of Euro coins with you. It is also possible to explain the situation to a European buying a ticket with a working credit card, and ask them to buy one for you in exchange for a paper note.
Trains for Paris usually leave from platforms 11 and 12. Look for signs saying "RER B" or "All trains go to Paris". When using the ticket from and to the airport (as with tickets for the RER commuter trains in general) you have to use it to enter and to exit the train. Always keep the ticket handy as the SNCF officials sometimes check for tickets, and if you are without one you may be fined €40. This means that after you put the ticket into the entry gate and are cleared to pass, you must retrieve the ticket from the machine and keep it with you until you leave the train system including any connections.
Alternatively, the Roissybus service (€10) connects all terminals directly to Opéra Garnier in central Paris, but it's subject to traffic jams and rush hour, so it averages 60-90 min even on a good day. You could take bus number 350[2]and 351[3] to the city and it requires three tickets t+ per person (about €5.10, or €5.70 if the tickets are purchased on the bus), making this the cheapest option to go to and from Paris. The tickets can be purchased at newsstands, at ticket machines, or, for a higher price, inside the bus from the driver and they need to be validated with a device lying next to the driver's seat.
You have also ghe choice for a private transfer with a limo service like Cab Service Prestige.
Air France buses [4] offer two stops in Paris (Porte Maillot, Montparnasse) from CDG with a 50-min ride. To reach a specific address into the city, this shared shuttle service [5] costs €19 per person [6], private transfers cost €79 [7]. Mercedes E transfer costs €129 and are available from CDG and ORY. There is also a TGV station in T2 for high-speed connections, mostly towards Lille and Brussels, but there are also some trains that head south to eg. Rennes and Nantes, bypassing Paris.
BE CAREFUL when using buses to get to CDG. There are frequent traffic jams on the motorways leading to the airport - the Air France bus normally may need 50 minutes to get to CDG, but it may take 1½ hours as well... your best bet for arriving on time with the buses is to take them very early in the morning or during times otherwise when there isn't much traffic.
[edit] Contact
Post office only exists in B and D terminals. However, you can send postcards buying post stamps in a newspaper stand, and dropping them into a postbox (both exist in every terminal).[edit] Orly International Airport
[8] (ICAO: LFPO, IATA: ORY. This airport is southwest of the city, and served by a southern branch of the RER-B line that heads in the direction of Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse (not Robinson). This older international airport is used mainly by Air France for domestic departures, and international departures by European carriers. Orly is roughly 40 min from Paris via the OrlyBus, which departs from Métro Denfert-Rochereau (ligne 6); the price is €7. There are buses every 10 minutes from the Orly Sud (Platform 4) and it stops at Orly Ouest on its way to the city. Tickets can be bought at a counter near the baggage claim area or directly at the counter in Platform 4. The tickets need to be validated once on the bus. Another option is bus 285 that takes you to the Métro Villejuif - Louis Aragon(Line 7) in 15 min, but it stops on the way and is designed for commuters and not for travellers. Bus 285 costs €1.90 and runs every 10 min, stopping at airport level -1.The Orlyval light rail connects the two terminals to each other and to the RER B line at Antony. It runs every 4-7 min and cost €10.75 for transfer to Paris, including connections to central area metro stations. The RER B from Antony runs through Paris to Aéroport Charles de Gaulle.
[edit] Beauvais (Aéroport de Beauvais Tillé)
[9] ICAO: LFOB, IATA: BVA. This airport, a distance north of the city, is a smaller regional airport that is used by some low-cost carriers such as Ryanair and WizzAir. Like many small airports there is a cartel in operation in the form of the airport operated shuttle service connecting with the Métro at Porte Maillot station. Buses run even during the small hours of the morning (6AM). Buses leave 20 min after each flight arrives, and a few hours before each flight departs. Exact times can be found on the Beauvais Airport website. The journey will take about an hour in good traffic conditions, and costs €15 each way, there is no reduced price for children over the age of 2 years. Unless you hire a car this is the most realistic way to head toward Paris, hence why the airport charge the price they do.[edit] Airline Shuttles
In addition to public transport, Air France operates shuttles between Charles de Gaulle and Paris (€17), Orly and Paris (€12) and between the two airports (€20). Discounts apply for young/group travellers and online booking. Note that if you have connecting Air France flights that land and depart from different airports, you would still generally need to collect your luggage after landing, catch either the Air France shuttle or a taxi (readily available at all airports) to the other airport and check-in again. This altogether could take up to 2 hours particularly if traffic is at its worst. It is also common to lose time during disembarking, as passengers often need to get off at the tarmac and get on buses which will bring them to the terminal building. Be sure to have sufficient time between flights to catch your connection. Note that check-in desks usually close 30 min before the flight departs, longer if flights are international carriers.If you want to take RER B and catch an early flight, make sure you bring enough change, because you can only buy tickets at the coins-only machines before the counter opens.
If you arrive to CDG Airport at night you'll need a Noctilien bus to get to the city centre. The bus stops in all three terminals (in terminal 2F it will be the second level in departure section - it is very difficult to find, but it really exists). The bus leaves every 30 min after 12:30AM (see timetable [10]). The buses you'll need are N121 and N120; the price is €7.
[edit] By train
Paris is well connected to the rest of Europe by train. There is no central station serving Paris and the six different stations are not connected to each other. You will probably want to know in advance at which station your train is arriving, so as to better choose a hotel and plan for transport within the city.- Gare du Nord, (10th), Métro: Gare du Nord - TGV trains to and from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Cologne, Germany (Thalys), and the United Kingdom (Eurostar) and regular trains from Northern Europe.
- Gare d'Austerlitz, (13th), Métro: Gare d'Austerlitz - regular trains to and from the center and southwest of France (Orléans, Limoges, Toulouse the long way), Spain and Portugal and arrival of majority of the night trains.
- Gare de l'Est, (10th), Métro: Gare de l'Est - ICE/TGV to and from Luxembourg, Saarbrücken, Kaiserslautern, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart, Munich in Germany.
- Gare de Lyon, (12th), Métro: Gare de Lyon - regular and TGV trains to and from Southern and eastern France: French Alps, Marseille, Lyon, Dijon, Switzerland (by TGV Lyria): Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchatel - Bern - Interlaken, Basel - Zurich, and Italy.
- Gare de Bercy, (12th), Métro: Bercy. Overnight trains from and to Italy and regular trains to Auvergne.
- Gare St Lazare, (8th) Métro: St-Lazare - trains to and from Basse-Normandie, Haute-Normandie.
- Gare Montparnasse, (15th), Métro: Montparnasse-Bienvenüe - TGV and regular trains to and from the west and south-west of France (Brest, Rennes, Nantes, Bordeaux, Toulouse the fastest way and Spain).
There are a number of different kinds of high speed and normal trains:
- TER: The regional trains (Train Express Régionale); cheapest tickets, though prices are variable on the time of day of departure (and the day of departure as well). TER are slower, stopping at almost all stations.
- Intercités: A bundling of the former Intercités, Téoz, and Lunéa train categories. There are two kinds: the regular trains, which are priced the same as the TER and the trains you'll find yourself on if you have a Eurail or InterRail pass and don't want to pay extra for reservations, and the trains à réservation obligatoire, which require a reservation and are priced differently from the regular Intercités trains.
- TGV: The world-famous French high-speed trains (Trains à Grande Vitesse) run very frequently to the Southeast Nice (5-6h), Marseille (3h) and Avignon (2.5 h), the East (by TGV Lyria) to Geneva (3h), Lausanne (3h40), Neuchatel (4h) - Bern (4h30) - Interlaken (5h45), Basel (3h) - Zurich (4h) in Switzerland and Dijon (1h15), the Southwest Bordeaux (3h), the West Rennes (3h) and the North Lille (less than 1h). Eurostar to London (2h15) and Thalys to Brussels (1h20) use almost identical trains. Reservations are obligatory.
- Thalys A high-speed train service running daily to/from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. It can be a bit expensive compared to normal trains, but cheap enough if you buy in advance.
- Intercity: Intercity trains leave for all parts of Europe, including overnight trains to San Sebastian in Spain, Porto and Lisbon in Portugal.
- Eurostar: The Eurostar service connects Paris with London St. Pancras directly and Brussels indirectly, as well many other destinations indirectly through the various west European rail services. Travel time between Paris Gare du Nord and London St Pancras International currently averages at 2h15min, following the opening of a new rail link in late 2007. Eurail and InterRail passes are not valid for this train, though passholders can benefit from a reduced price. You must arrive at the station 30 minutes before the departure of the train to complete security and passport controls.
- CNL[17]: The overnight services (City Night Line) by the German operator Deutsche Bahn which have sleeping berths in addition to the regular coach cars. These are not particularly speedy. They are designed to leave Paris in the late evening and arrive at their destinations at a reasonable morning hour. While the trains themselves are covered by the rail passes, the sleeping accomodation supplements are not, and need to be booked separately, but what you get is a moving bed which transports you to another city, saving on hotel bills in the process. Paris has 3 departures nightly, all from the Gare de l'Est - to Munich, Berlin and Hamburg.
[edit] Transfer between Train Stations
[edit] From Gare du Nord
- Gare du Nord - Gare de l'Est (8 mins): Metro line 4 direction Porte d'Orleans. By foot, it is also about 8 minutes, but you will have to descend a set of stairs.
- Gare du Nord - Gare de Lyon (20 mins): RER D direction Melun/Malesherbes; alternatively, if the RER D is not operational, RER B direction Robinson/Saint-Rémy-les-Chevreuse to Châtelet Les Halles and then RER A direction Marne-la-Vallée/Boissy-Saint-Léger to Gare de Lyon (this change only involves getting off the RER B train and getting on the RER A train on the other side of the same platform)
- Gare du Nord - Gare Montparnasse (30 mins): Metro line 4 direction Porte d'Orleans
- Gare du Nord - Gare de Bercy (25 mins): Follow the directions for Gare de Lyon, then switch to Métro line 14 direction Olympiades to Bercy.
[edit] From Gare de l'Est
- Gare de l'Est - Gare du Nord (8 mins) : Metro line 5 direction Bobigny. By foot, it is also about 8 minutes, but you will have to climb set of stairs.
- Gare de l'Est - Gare de Lyon (20 mins) : Metro line 5 direction Place d'Italie, stop at Quai de la Rapee and follow pedestrian signs to Gare de Lyon. Alternatively, Métro line 5 in the same direction to Bastille and then Metro line 1 direction Château de Vincennes to Gare de Lyon.
- Gare de l'Est - Gare Montparnasse (30 mins): Metro line 4 direction Porte d'Orleans.
- Gare de l'Est - Gare de Bercy (25 mins) : Metro line 5 direction Place d'Italie, stop at Bastille and switch to Metro line 1 direction Château de Vincennes to Gare de Lyon, then switch to Metro line 14 direction Olympiades to Bercy. Alternatively, Metro line 5 to Place d'Italie and then Metro line 6 direction Nation to Bercy.
[edit] From Gare de Lyon
- Gare de Lyon - Gare du Nord (20 mins): RER D direction Orry-la-Ville; if the RER D is not working, take RER A direction Saint-Germain-en-Laye/Cergy Le Haut/Poissy to Châtelet Les Halles and then RER B direction Aéroport Charles de Gaulle/Mitry Claye to Gare du Nord.
- Gare de Lyon - Gare de I'Est (25 mins): Metro line 14 to Chatelet, direction St. Lazzare followed by Metro line 4 direction Porte de Clignancourt.
- Gare de Lyon - Gare Montparnasse (30 mins): Metro line 14 to Chatelet, direction St. Lazzare followed by Metro line 4 direction Porte d'Orleans.
- Gare de Lyon - Gare de Bercy (15 mins): A free shuttle runs between the two every half hour. Alternatively, Metro line 14 direction Olympiades to Bercy.
[edit] From Gare Montparnasse
- Gare Montparnasse - Gare du Nord OR Gare de I'Est (30 mins): Metro line 4 direction Porte de Clignancourt
- Gare Montparnasse - Gare de Lyon (30 mins): Metro line 4 to Chatelet, direction Porte de Clignancourt followed by Metro line 14 direction Olympiades
[edit] From Gare de Bercy
For all train stations, either take the free shuttle to Gare de Lyon or Metro line 14 to the same and follow the directions given from Gare de Lyon.[edit] By bus
- Eurolines, [18]. A trans-European bus company that offers trips from across Europe and Morocco to Paris. Generally offers prices significantly cheaper than the train at the cost of much longer journeys. The Parisian office is located at Bagnolet, adjacent to the Gallieni metro station. edit
- Megabus, [19]. A British low-cost bus company that offers routes to Paris from London, Birmingham, Boulogne, Amsterdam, and Brussels. Seats start at £1.00, with through fares available from points on the domestic UK network. Free Wi-Fi is available when the bus is travelling through the United Kingdom. edit
- iDBUS, [20]. The luxury bus arm of SNCF introduced in summer 2012. It offers routes to Paris from London, Lille, Amsterdam, and Brussels. Seats start at £45.00 and includes free Wi-Fi throughout the journey. edit
[edit] By car
Several autoroutes (expressway, motorway) link Paris with the rest of France: A1 and A3 to the north, A5 and A6 to the south, A4 to the east and A13 and A10 to the west. Not surprisingly, traffic jams are significantly worse during French school holidays.The multi-lane highway around Paris, called the Périphérique (BP), is probably preferable to driving through the centre. Another beltway nearing completion; L'A86 (also A186 and A286) loops around Paris about 10 km further out from the Périphérique. A third, incomplete beltway is much further out and called La Francilienne (N104).
It is advised not to drive in the Paris Metro Area. It is better to drive to a suburban train station with a parking lot and then use the train to continue your trip throughout Paris. Most of Paris' roads were created long before the invention of cars. Traffic inside the city tends to be heavy, especially at rush hour; driving, however, may be rather easy and efficient in the evening. Parking is also difficult. Furthermore, the medieval nature of parts of the city's street system makes it very confusing, and traffic will almost never allow one to stop or slow down to get one's bearings. If you are unfamiliar with the streets and still insist on driving in the city, make sure you have a navigator in the passenger seat with you.
[edit] Get around
The best and cheapest way to get around Paris is on foot, and secondly, using the Métro which costs €1.70 for a one way trip of any length.[edit] By car
In a word: don't. It is generally a very bad idea to rent a car to visit Paris. Traffic is very dense during the day, and finding street parking is exceedingly difficult in all but the most peripheral neighborhoods of the city. This is especially true in areas surrounding points of touristic interest, since many of these are in areas designed long before automobiles existed. A majority of Parisian households do not own cars, and many people who move to the city find themselves selling their cars within a month or two.That said, driving may be an option for going to some sights in the suburbs such as Vaux-le-Vicomte castle or the castle and city at Fontainebleau, or for starting to other places in France. You may prefer to rent from a location not situated in Paris proper.
Traffic rules in Paris are basically the same as elsewhere in France, with the exception of having to yield to incoming traffic on roundabouts. However, driving in dense traffic in Paris and suburbs during commute times, can be especially strenuous. Be prepared for traffic jams, cars changing lanes at short notice, and so on. Another issue is pedestrians, who tend to fearlessly jaywalk more in Paris than in other French cities. Be prepared for pedestrians crossing the street on red, and expect similar adventurous behavior from cyclists. Remember that even if a pedestrian or cyclist crossed on red, if you hit him, you (in fact, your insurance) will have to bear civil responsibility for the damages, and possibly prosecution for failing to control your vehicle.
Paris has several beltway systems. There is a series of boulevards named after Napoleonic-era generals (Boulevard Masséna, Boulevard Ney, and so forth), and collectively referred to as boulevard des maréchaux. These are normal wide avenues, with traffic lights. Somewhat outside of this boulevard is the boulevard périphérique, a freeway-style beltway. The périphérique intérieur is the inner lanes (going clockwise), the périphérique extérieur the outer lanes (going counter-clockwise). Note that despite the looks, the périphérique is not an autoroute: the speed limit is 80 and, very unusually, incoming traffic has the right of way, at least theoretically (presumably because, otherwise, nobody would be able to enter during rush hour).
Directions If you find yourself lost in the streets, a good idea is to find the nearest Hotel and ask the concierge for directions. Most speak English well. A simple "Bonjour Monsieur, parlez-vous anglais?" should suffice. |
[edit] By Scooter or motorbike
Paris is an incredibly open city, with it's many 'grande boulevards' and monuments with large open spaces around it makes for a city perfect to be explored and viewed from on a scooter. A lot of people think it is a dangerous city to drive a scooter or motorbike, and when you're sitting in a corner cafe watching it may look that way, but in reality it is actually quite a safe city because the drivers are very conscious of one another, a trait that drivers certainly do not have in most other countries of the world! There are so many scooters in Paris, and there has been scooters in Europe forever really, so when people learn to drive here they learn to drive amongst the scooters. The French do drive quite fast, but they respect one another and it is rare that a driver will suddenly changes lanes or swing to the other side of the road without signaling. When you're driving a scooter or motorbike in Paris you can expect to be able to 'lane-split' between the rows of cars waiting in traffic and go straight to the front of the lights. Parking wise there is plenty of 'Deux Roues' (two wheel) parking all over the city. Do be careful of parking on the sidewalk though especially on shopping streets or around the monument.A few well-known Vespa Tour company propose scooter rentals and tours of Paris. It can be a good way to get a vision of the city in a day. Great things to do if you just stay a few days in Paris.
- 2 Wheel Tours Paris, Scooter always delivered to your hotel (Paris), ☎ +33 6 28 35 39 30 (paris@2-wheeltours.com), [21]. 8AM-9PM. This Vespa Tour Company proposes several Tours of Paris (half day and full day) and also a scooter rental service with GPS an option. French, Parisian and friendly guides. Tours in English. 50cc and 125cc available. From €60. edit
- Left Bank Scooters, Scooter always delivered to your hotel (Paris), ☎ +33 6 78 12 04 24, [22]. 8AM-8PM. Scooter rental that is delivered to, and picked up from, your hotel in Paris. All scooter are Vespas, 50cc or 125cc available. Must have a car license to rent the 50cc, and a motorcycle license to rent the 125cc. From €60. edit
[edit] On foot
Walking in Paris is one of the great pleasures of visiting the City of Light. It is possible to cross the entire city in only a few hours, but only if you can somehow keep yourself from stopping at numerous cafés and shops. In fact within a few years walking combined with biking and the Metro will be the only way to get around the very centre of Paris: The Mayor's office has announced plans to declare the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th arrondissements almost totally car-free by 2012.Paris walking 101 To get a great orientation of the city on foot while seeing many of Paris' major sights, you can do a West to East walk from the Arc de Triomphe to Ile de la Cite (Notre Dame). This walk takes about 1-2 hours without any stops. Start at the top of the Champs Elysees (at the Arc de Triomphe) and begin walking down the Champs Elysees towards Place ('square') de la Concorde.
You may have heard of the hazard of walking into dog droppings in Paris. Despite fines as high as €180 and extensive street cleaning operations, the problem persists across the city, so walk with caution.
It's always fun to experience the city by foot, and there are numerous walking tours around Paris, whether self guided (with the help of a guidebook or online guide) or with a touring guide (booked through your travel agency or hotel). The city is best explored by foot, and some of the most marvelous memories you will have of Paris is walking through secret found places.
- Localers, 10 Rue Saint Marc, ☎ +33 1 83 64 92 01, [23]. offers a wide selection of walking tours around Paris. edit
[edit] By Métro
Paris has an excellent underground train system, known as the Métro (short for Chemin de fer métropolitain, Metropolitan Railway). Although you will probably take the RER subway train from the airport to Paris, don't be confused: RER is a French-language acronym that translates to "Regional Express Network," and is mostly used by commuters. Look for the Métro stations, marked with a large "M" sign.There are 16 Métro lines (lignes) (1-14, 3bis, and 7bis) on which trains travel all day at intervals of a few minutes between 5AM and 12:30AM (Saturday night/Sunday morning: 1:30AM), stopping at all stations on the line. Times for trains can be seen on an electronic scrollboard above the platform. Line 14, which is fully automated, is called the Méteor. Scheduled times for first and last trains are posted in each station on the centre sign. Generally, except for early and late hours, travellers should not worry about specific Metro train times; just get to your station and take the next train. Trains usually come 2-3 minutes apart during rush hour and 5-10 minutes apart during other times, depending on the line.
Visitors with heavy luggage or handicap should find out in-advance about the facilities at each station to be used. (Specific on-line information about elevators and escalators is hard to find. You may have ask at ticket counters at major stations, perhaps tourist information kiosks.) Getting to boarding platforms from street level, or going between platforms to change lines can be difficult even at major intersecting stations at most times, and everywhere during rush hours. It usually involves walking up and down multiple flights of busy stairs. Elevators are seldom seen, many aren't working, and in major outlying stations any escalator will likely support only exiting to the street level. If you have any lingering concern about station facilities, check bus routes and timings to find convenient bus service instead; failing that, use a taxi.
Many Metro trains do not carry destination binders. All lines on the Paris metro run end-to-end with some trains terminating at certain stations. This practice is common only in peak hours and if you are on a metro train that terminates before the last station, the driver will make an announcement (in French). Listen carefully for signs that the train is terminating before the end of the line.
The lines are named according to the names of their terminal stations (the end of the line). If you ask the locals about directions, they will answer something like : take line number n toward "end station 1", change at "station", take the line nn toward "end station 2" etc. The lines are also colour-coded.
In addition, there are five commuter train lines: RER A, B, C, D, and E. RER trains run at intervals of about 6-7 min, and stop at every RER station within Paris. Although a regular subway ticket can be used within Paris (Zone 1), it is necessary to pass the ticket through the turnstile when passing between the subway and the RER lines, as the two systems are separate networks. This ticket is necessary to enter and exit the RER networks, as the RER trains travel on to the Parisian suburbs, outside the zone where a regular subway ticket can be used. Travel outside the city centre without a valid RER ticket will get you fined, and the packs of inspectors who roam the system show no mercy to tourists pleading ignorance. In particular, Charles de Gaulle airport is not within the city; you must purchase an RER ticket to get there (see Get in).
The Métro and RER move staggering numbers of people into, out of, and around Paris (6.75 million people per day on average), and most of the time in reasonable comfort. Certain lines, however, are operating at or near capacity, sometimes being so full that you'll have to let one or two trains pass before being able to board. If you can help it, avoid Métro lines 1, 4, and 13 and RER line A during rush hours as these are the most congested lines in the system.
In addition to RER, there are many suburban train lines (Transilien) departing from the main train stations. One line of interest is the one from Gare Montparnasse to Versailles-Chantiers, a quick way to go to Versailles castle (covered by a ticket for at least Zones 1-4). The alternative is to use RER C to Versailles Rive Gauche (this station is the closest to the castle). Do not use RER C8 to Versailles Chantiers; this will do a very long loop in the southern suburbs before reaching Versailles.
For travel outside of the Paris zone, the train arrival times are shown on a monitor hanging from the ceiling inside the RER station above the platform. Information about the stops to be made by the next incoming train is presented on a separate board also hanging from the ceiling. It is important to check this board before boarding the train, as not all trains make stops at all stations on a given line. Four letter codes (KRIN, DIPA, TORE, etc.) are used for the RER and Transilien trains. On RER A, B and C the first letter indicates the destination of the train, the second the branch or service type, and the last two are to make the name easier to memorize; on RER D and E, the first letter is destination, the second letter is service type, the third letter is branch, and the fourth letter is direction; on Transilien lines, it's usually one name for every service type. You can look up what these codes mean on information panels in the station, but the easiest and fastest way is often to check the information screens along the platforms.
RATP [24] is responsible for public transport including metro, buses, and some of the high speed inter-urban trains (RER). The rest of the RER is operated by SNCF. However, both companies take the same tickets, so the difference is of little interest for most people except in case of strikes (RATP may strike without SNCF doing so or the other way round). Current fares can be found at their website. Basically, as you move farther from Paris (into higher zones), tickets get more expensive.
For the subway, a single ticket (ticket t+) costs €1.70; however, it is generally not advisable to buy tickets by the unit. Instead, purchase a "carnet" of ten tickets, which can be bought for €13.30 at any station, which will bring the price per ticket down to €1.33. Tickets named tarif réduit may be purchased for children under the age of 10 but only in a carnet of 10 for €6.65. Both tickets are valid for unlimited metro and RER or bus and tram transfers during two hours for RER and metro, and 1 hour 30 between the first and the last punch for bus and tram. RER + Métro and Bus + Tram are two separate systems, but they use the same tickets. This means you have to use a new ticket if you transfer from bus to metro or from metro to bus. Tickets do not expire.
A one-day ticket, a weekly pass, and a monthly pass are also available. The price varies according to the zones for which the ticket can be used. The cheapest 1-day ticket called Mobilis [25], is valid for zones 1-2, with a price of €6.60. Once bought, it is necessary to write in the spaces provided on the ticket the date the ticket is being used in European notation of day/month/year (valable le), the last name (nom), and the first name (prénom). Unfortunately, this ticket is not valid for use for travel to/from Charles de Gaulle airport. Unless you plan to make many trips in one day, the carnet of ten tickets (for €1.33 per trip) will still be a much better cost than a one-day ticket. However, consider the price for all members of your group/family, including children, which days you are travelling on, and in which zones you will be travelling.
For travellers under the age of 26, there is a special ticket (Jeunes 26) that you can purchase for use on the weekends or holidays. The price varies depending on the number of zones you wish to cover (Zones 1-3 is €3.65 and Zones 1-5 is €7.85; there are other zone combinations available too) and the ticket is good for one day of unlimited usage of the metro, RER, bus, and trams.
If you are staying a bit longer, the weekly and monthly passes are called Navigo Découverte (1 week pass, €19.15 for zones 1-2) and the monthly Navigo Mensuel (one-month pass, €62.90 for zones 1-2). Note that an Découverte (DAY-koo-VERT) starts on Mondays and a Mensuel on the first of the month. The Navigo pass is non-transferrable and requires the user to provide information on the pass after the sale. The pass is sold for €5. You must write your last name (nom) and your first name (prénom) and stick your photo on the nominative card. After, you have to refill your pass with a recharge hébdomadaire (one-week refill), or a recharge mensuelle (one-month refill). You have to choose at least two of the contiguous "zones": Paris is the first zone, La Défense is in the third zone, and Versailles in the fourth. Everything related to a "Navigo" pass is in purple (like the target for the pass in the turnstiles).
Although not as good a deal for adults in most cases as the Mobilis or Navigo, there are also one-to-five-day tourist passes, called Paris Visite [26], available, which are a bargain for kids of ages 4-11, starting at €4.85 per day for travel within zones 1-3.
Keep your ticket or pass with you at all times as you may be checked. You will be cited and forced to pay on the spot if you do not have a ticket. The most likely spots for being checked are just behind the turnstiles at big Métro stations or during Métro line changes (correspondances). RATP agents may be present in the Métro stations even on Sunday nights.
Métro stations have both ticket windows and automatic vending machines. The majority of machines do not take notes, only coins or European credit cards with a pin-encoded chip on the front. Therefore, to use either euro bills or a non-European credit card with a magnetic stripe, it is necessary to make the purchase from the ticket window. Be advised that some ticket vending machines do not give change, so use exact change or go to the ticket window. If you look at the vending machines closely, you may find one in the group that takes euro bills and will give change; these machines can be found at major or touristy stations such as Tuileries, Gare de Lyon or La Défense-Grande Arche.
Some larger stations have secondary entrances, where there is no ticket booth. These are labelled voyageurs avec billets (passengers with tickets).
Avoid suburban charges If you have any tickets or Navigo passes for zone 1-2 (inside the Paris area, the lower rate) and want go to La Défense from Châtelet, you have to take the Métro (Line 1). You can take the RER A (and save a few minutes), but you have to pay an additional fare, because even though you arrive at the same station, the RER exit is supposed to be outside of Paris! On the other hand, Métro fares are the same, even in the suburbs. So be careful as there are usually a lot of ticket examiners present when you get off the RER A. |
Except for Métro 1 and 14 and some modern trains on Métro 2, the doors may not open automatically. In such a case, there are handles or buttons located both inside and outside the train that you have to push or unlatch in order to open the door.
Strikes are a regular occurrence on the Paris public transit system. Generally during a strike, there will be reduced or no service on certain lines but parts of the network will continue to operate; however, in some cases the entire network may shut down completely. Visit the RATP and SNCF websites for information on which routes are affected by a strike. Generally, Metro line 14 will be running during a strike because it is operated without human drivers - if you are caught by a strike, it is best to use it whenever possible.
[edit] By boat
There are several excellent boat services which make use of the Seine. As well as providing easy, cheap transport to much of central Paris, excellent photo opportunities abound. You can buy a day or 3 day ticket and hop on and off the boat as needed. The boats take a circular route from the Eiffel Tower, down past the Louvre, Notre Dame, botanical gardens then back up the other bank past Musee D'orsay. Batobus [27] offers a regular shuttle service between the main touristic sights (closed in January); other companies such as the famous Bateaux Mouches [28] offer sightseeing cruises.[edit] On skates
Paris is the best city for skating. This is due to the large, smooth surfaces offered by both the pavements and the roads. Skating on the pavement is legal all around Central Paris (zone 1) and its suburbs (zones 2+). See our Do section below for more information.[edit] By bicycle
Renting a bike is a very good alternative over driving or using public transport and an excellent way to see the sights. Riding a bike anywhere in the city is far safer for the moderately experienced cyclists than almost any town or city in the United States. The French are very cognizant of cyclists, almost to a point of reverence. A few years ago Paris wasn't the easiest place to get around by bike but that has changed dramatically in recent years. The city government has taken a number of steps in strong support of improving the safety and efficiency of the urban cyclist as well, in establishing some separated bike lanes, but even more important a policy of allowing cyclists to share the ample bus lanes on most major boulevards. Paris also has many riversides which are perfect for cycling. The Paris bike network now counts over 150 km of either unique or shared lanes for the cyclist. In addition, the narrower, medieval side streets of the central arrondissements make for rather scenic and leisurely cycling, especially during off-hours of the day when traffic is lighter. Do remember to bring a good map, since there is no grid plan to speak of and almost all of the smaller streets are one-way.Cycling and Traffic
Note that, while the streets of Paris are generally fairly easy on novice cyclists, there are some streets in the city that should be avoided by those who do not have experience cycling in traffic and the proper mentality for dealing with it. In particular, 'Rue de Rivoli,' 'Bld. de Sébastopol/Strasbourg,' 'Bld. Saint-Germain,' 'Ave. de Flandre,' and most of the Quais that run along the river are especially bad during rush hours, but are at least somewhat busy at all times. While an increasing number of these do have cycle lanes, "sharrows," or other such accommodations, the sheer volume of traffic means that it may be a better idea to take an alternate route through the side streets. Traffic will also be particularly thick on the peripheral 'Boulevards des Maréchaux' (not the Boulevard Périphérique, which lies to the outside), and on main roads that lead to a 'Porte' at the edge of the city (e.g. 'Bld de la Chapelle' and 'Avenue de la Grande-Armée'). If you find yourself one one of these routes, stick to the bike lanes whenever possible.
There is also a great deal of congestion around the main train stations, particularly around Gare du Nord/ de l'Est in the 10th, Gare de Lyon in the 12th, and Gare Montparnasse in the 14th. Bus and taxi traffic will be particularly thick in these areas, so stay alert.
There are a few portions of the city that you probably should not cycle unless you are very confident in your abilities to ride in an urban environment. The 'Avenue des Champs-Elysés' and the 'Bld. Magenta/Bld. Barbès' axes can be especially hairy, though the latter more because of some inopportunely-placed interruptions in the bike lanes and other non-vehicular obstacles. The area around 'Place de la Bataille de Stalingrad' is well-provisioned with bike lanes, but they are somewhat haphazardly laid out and traffic is very heavy.
Also, the city has a number of large roundabouts which, while quite logical once you've got the idea of priorité à droite, are not at all good idea for the timid or inexperienced. 'Place de l'Etoile' is the most well-known of these, but also be wary around 'Place de la Nation,' 'Place de la Bastille,' and 'Place d'Italie.' If possible, look for an alternate route - in particular, Place de l'Etoile and Place de la Nation have ring roads running around the outside which make for a good bypass route.
Finally, there are a few roads in Paris which are entirely forbidden to cyclists, in particular the 'Voie Georges Pompidou' (the high-speed express lanes running along the Seine), the tunnels underneath Les Halles, the Boulevard Périphérique beltway, and certain other tunnels and bypasses. These will all be marked with a sign showing a bicycle on a white background, surrounded by a red circle.
You can find an excellent map of the bike network called Plan des Itinéraires cyclables (download here: [29]) at the information center in the Hôtel de Ville.
Bike Rentals
There are two different bike rental programs in Paris:
- Vélib, ☎ +33 1 30 79 79 30, [30]. In July 2007 the municipality of Paris introduced the Vélib program (vélo Liberté or Freedom Bikes) by which it is possible to rent a bike for a very modest price. Numerous stations are to be found around the city (at major landmarks and metro stations, basically every 300m). With a credit card with a "puce" smart-chip (that means that American Visa and Mastercard cards do not work, however American Express cards should work even though they don't have a chip), you can subscribe for 1 day (€1.70) or 7 days (€8) with a security deposit of €150. & then get a bike; the first 30 min are free, following 30 min costs €1, following 30 min cost €2, etc. to avoid long rentals... so the game is to get to another station in 25 min and get another bicycle. This rental system has been designed to allow you to "pick & drop" a bike, not rent the same one all day long. Try it ! If your card works in the machines it's a great way to get around! The bicycles are wonderful cruiser bikes, with a front basket to put a purse or bag. If the saddle is turned around, it most probably means the bike is out of order (it's a convention among Velib users, so do the same if you notice your Velib has problems). €1.70 per day. edit
- Roue Libre, Les Halles, 1 passage Mondétour (facing 120 rue Rambuteau, Métro: Les Halles), ☎ +33 1 04 41 53 49. Bikes can be rented for one weekend (€25), M-F (€20), a working day (€9), or one day on the weekend (€14). Roue Libre also has a location at the Bastille which is open during the summer months edit
[edit] By bus
Since the Métro is primarily structured around a hub-and-spoke model, there are some journeys for which it can be quite inefficient, and in these cases, it is worth seeing if a direct bus route exists, despite the complexity of the bus network. A bus ride is also interesting if you want to see more of the city. The Parisian bus system is quite tourist-friendly. It uses the same single-ride tickets and Navigo as the Métro, and electronic displays inside each bus tell riders its current position and what stops remain, eliminating a lot of confusion.These same payment devices are also valid in the Noctilien, the night bus. Night buses run regularly through the central hub at Chatelet to outlying areas of greater Paris. There is also a circle line connecting the main train stations. It pays to know one's Noctilien route ahead of time in case one misses the last Métro home. Women travellers should probably avoid taking the Noctilien on their own to destinations outside Paris.
Another option for travellers who want to see the sights of Paris without a stop on every street corner is the Paris L'Opentour Bus, an open-topped double decker bus that supplies headsets with the most up to date information on the attractions in Paris. Your ticket is good for four routes ranging in time from 1-2 h. Get off when you want, stay as long as you need, get back on the bus and head for another site. You can purchase tickets at the bus stop. A one-day pass is €25 for adults and €15 for children. A two-day pass is €32 for adults or €15 for children.
[edit] By taxi
Taxis are comparatively cheap especially at night when there are no traffic jams to be expected. There are not as many as one would expect, and sometimes finding a taxi can be challenging. In the daytime, it is not always a good idea to take a taxi, as walking or taking the metro (See: Métro) will often be faster. If you know you will need one to get to the airport, or to a meeting, it is wise to book ahead by phone (see below).To stop a taxi... ... watch the sign on the roof: if the white sign is lit, the taxi is on duty and available, if the white sign is off and a coloured light is lit under it (blue, orange), it's on duty and busy, if the white sign is off and no coloured light is on, the taxi is off duty. Same thing with the coloured signs (the two systems exist in Paris, but it tells nothing about the company): if the wide sign is green, the cab is available, if it is red, the taxi is busy, if it is off, the taxi is off |
There are a number of services by which you can call for taxis or make a reservation in advance. The two largest are Taxis G7 and Taxis Bleus:
- Transport Parisien (transfert roissy), ☎ +33 (0)6 61 57 43 53, [31]. * Taxis aéroport de Paris (airport transfer), ☎ +33 (0)6 58 79 38 87, [32]. edit edit
- Taxi Paris (taxi roissy), ☎ +33(0)658793887, [33]. edit
- Taxis G7, ☎ +33 (0)1 47 39 47 39, [35]. edit
- Taxis Bleus, ☎ +33 (0)891 70 10 10, [36]. edit
- Taxis de France, [37]. edit
- Taxi-Paris, ☎ +33 014 1276699, [38]. edit
- Shuttle Taxi (navette roissy), ☎ 01 39 94 96 89, [39]. edit
- Taxis aéroport Roissy (taxi roissy), ☎ +33 (0)6 61 57 43 53, [40]. edit
There is a €6.50 minimum on all taxi journies mandated by city law, but the meter does not show this amount, which can result in being asked to pay more than the metered amount on short rides. Frequently the taxi driver will not want to drive you all the way to the doorstep, but will prefer to let you out a block or so away if there are one or more one-way streets to contend with. Try to look at this as a cost-savings rather than an inconvenience. You should pay while still seated in the cab as in New York and not through the front window London style.
The driver will not let you sit in the front seat (unless there are 3 or 4 of you, which is a rare case usually expedited by more money). Taxi-drivers come in all types, some nice, some rude, some wanting to chat, some not. Smoking in taxis is generally not allowed, however it might be that the taxi driver himself wants a cigarette in which case the rule might become flexible.
To avoid bad surprises, make sure you download Taxibeat, a taxi hailing app available for iOS and Android that enables you to choose your taxi driver based on user ratings. Unlike radio taxis, the service comes at no extra cost for passengers - but be aware of the approach fare, and drivers associated with Taxibeat tend to offer better value service. (Most speak fluent English, offer free WiFi on board etc).
Many drivers prefer that you avoid using your mobile phone during the johrney; if you do have to, make an apologizing gesture & sound, and do make a short call.
- A tip is included in the fare price; If you're especially satisfied with the service, you can give something (basically 10%), but you don't have to.
- There is an extra charge for baggage handling.
Also if you take a taxi to the Charles de Gaulle airport be prepared to pay €70 or more because there is often heavy traffic. If there isn't traffic it will be less expensive, but that is rare. The RER B or a bus is cheaper.
Beware of illegal taxis (see the 'Stay Safe' section).
Livery or Black Car or Limos- Known as car services or livery cabs, these cars may only be called by phone, are flat rate rather than metered (ask for the fare before getting in), and are not allowed to cruise the street or airports for fares. There are two types of licence: the "Grande Remise" that allows the car & driver to pick-up & drop-off passengers anywhere in France, and the "carte verte" that allows pick-up & drop-off in the department or region where the company is based. The Grande Remise cars have a GR on their front plate. They provide more service than a normal cab.
[edit] With children
- Metro and bus. The metro and buses are free for children under the age of 4. Older kids (4-9) can buy a carnet (a collection of 10 tickets) at half-price for discounted travel. Other passes, including the Paris-Vistes pass for unlimited travel over 1 to 5 days are also available at half-price for children below 9 years of age.
[edit] Talk
First and foremost, French (le français) is of course the country's official language. Any native French person will speak French and it helps if you can speak a bit of it. In the parts of the city that tourists frequent the most (Tour Eiffel, Le Louvre, Champs-Elysées), the shopkeepers, information booth attendants, and other workers are likely to answer you in English, even if your French is advanced. These workers tend to deal with thousands of foreign tourists, and responding in English is often faster than repeating themselves in French. This is not the case for the rest of the city.Reading up Before you leave you may want to read a book like French or Foe by Polly Platt or Almost French by Sarah Turnbull — interesting, well written records from English speaking persons who live in France. |
When attempting to speak French, do not be offended if people ask you to repeat, or seem not to understand you, as they are not acting out of snobbery. Keep your sense of humour, and if necessary, write down phrases or place names. And remember to speak slowly and clearly. Unless you have an advanced level and can at least sort of understand French movies, you should also assume that it will be difficult for people to understand what you are saying (imagine someone speaking English to you in an indiscernible accent, it's all the same).
When in need of directions what you should do is this: find a younger person or someone reading a book or magazine in English, who is obviously not in a hurry; say "hello" or "bonjour" (bon-zhor); start by asking if the person speaks English, "Parlez-vous anglais?" (Par-LAY voo on-glay?) even if the person can read something in English, speak slowly and clearly; write down place names if necessary. Smile a lot. Also, carry a map (preferably Paris par Arrondissement); given the complexity of Paris streets it is difficult to explain how to find any particular address in any language, no matter how well you speak it. If anything, the person may have an idea as to the place you are looking for, but may not know exactly where it may be, so the map always helps.
On the other hand you will probably get the cold shoulder if you stop someone in the métro (such as a middle-aged hurried person who has a train to catch), fail to greet them and simply say "where is place X or street Y".
If you speak French, remember two magic phrases : "Excusez-moi de vous déranger" [ex-kuh-zay mwuh duh voo day-rawn-ZHAY] ("Sorry to bother you") and "Pourriez-vous m'aider?" [por-EE-AY voo may-DAY] ("Could you help me?") especially in shops; politeness will work wonders.
[edit][add listing] See
One of the best value and most convenient ways to see the sights of Paris is with the Paris Museum Pass, a pre-paid entry card that allows entry into over 70 museums and monuments around Paris (and the Palace of Versailles) and comes in 2-day (€39), 4-day (€54) and 6-day (€69) denominations (prices as of Apr 2013). Note these are 'consecutive' days. The card allows you to jump lengthy queues, a big plus during tourist season when line can be extensive, and is available from participating museums, tourist offices, Fnac branches and all the main Métro and RER train stations. You will still need to pay to enter most special exhibitions. To avoid waiting in the first long queue to purchase the Museum Pass, stop to purchase your pass a day or more in advance after mid-day. [41] The pass does not become active until your first museum or site visit when you write your start date. After that, the days covered are consecutive. [42] Do not write your start date until you are certain you will use the pass that day and be careful to use the date style as indicated on the card: day/month/year.Also consider the ParisPass [43] also a pre paid entry card + queue jumping to 60 attractions including The Louvre, The Arc de Triomphe, as well as a river cruise and allows free metro & public transport travel. Also note a cheaper alternative with this new combined pass available since September 2008 is the Paris ComboPass® [44], which comes in Lite/Premium versions.
Planning your visits: Several sites have "choke points" that restrict the number of visitors that can flow through. These include: The Eiffel Tower, Sainte-Chapelle,The Catacombs and the steps to climb to the top of the Notre Dame Cathedral. To avoid queues, you should start your day by arriving at one of these sites at least 30 minutes before opening time. Otherwise, expect a wait of at least an hour. Most museums and galleries are closed on either Monday or Tuesday. Examples: The Louvre museum is closed on Tuesdays while The Orsay museum is closed on Mondays. Be sure to check museum closing dates to avoid disappointment. Also, most ticket counters close 30-45 min before final closing.
All national museums are open free of charge on the first Sunday of the month. However, that this may mean long queues and crowded exhibits. Keep away from Paris during Easter week due to crowding. People have to queue up at the Eiffel Tower for several hours even early in the morning. However, this wait can be greatly reduced, if fit, by walking the first two levels, then buying an elevator ticket to the top. Entry to the permanent exhibitions at city-run museums is free at all times (admission is charged for temporary exhibitions).
These listings are just some highlights of things that you really should see if you can during your visit to Paris. The complete listings are found on each individual district page (follow the link in parenthesis).
Good listings of current cultural events in Paris can be found in 'Pariscope' or 'Officiel des spectacles', weekly magazines listing all concerts, art exhibitions, films, stage plays and museums. Available from all kiosks.
[edit] Landmarks
- Arc de Triomphe (8th)— The Arc de Triomphe exudes grandeur and offers a central view of the city Métro/RER Charles de Gaulle-Etoile (1, 2, 6, A)
- Catacombs (14th)— Used to store the exhumed bones from the overflowing Paris cemetery. (There is a limit to the number of visitors allowed within the Catacombs at one time (200 persons). So, if you arrive just after opening, you must wait until someone exits, approximately 45-60 minutes, before anyone is admitted). Métro Denfert-Rochereau (4, 6, B)
- Château de Versailles (Versailles)— Must be seen. France's most exquisite chateau, on the outskirts of the city, easily visited by train. Once the home to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. RER Versailles Rive Gauche (C)
- The Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel) (7th)— No other monument better symbolizes Paris. Métro Bir-Hakeim (6) or RER Champ de Mars-Tour Eiffel (C)
- Grand Arche de la Défense (La Défense)— A modern office-building variant of the Arc de Triomphe. Métro/RER La Défense (1, A)
- Notre Dame Cathedral (4th)— Impressive Gothic cathedral that was the inspiration for Victor Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Climb to the top! Métro Cité (4) or RER Saint-Michel-Notre Dame (B, C)
- Opera Garnier (9th)— Masterpiece of theatre architecture of the 19th century built by Charles Garnier and inaugurated in 1875 housing the Paris Opera since it was founded by Louis XIV. Métro Opéra (3, 7, 8)
- Pantheon (5th)— Underneath, the final resting place for the great heroes of the French Republic including Voltaire, Victor Hugo, and Marie Curie; above, a marvellous view of the city. Métro Cardinal Lemoine (10) or RER Luxembourg (B)
- Père-Lachaise Cemetery (20th)— Unlike any cemetery in the world. Ornate grave stones, monuments set among tree lined lanes. See the graves of Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, and Frederic Chopin, amongst many others. Métro Père Lachaise (2, 3)
- Sacré Coeur (18th)— A church perched on top of the highest point in Paris. Behind the church is the artists' area, in front are spectacular views of the whole city. Métro Anvers (2) or Abbesses (12), then climb the stairs on Rue Foyatier or take the funicular to the top of the hill.
- Sainte Chapelle (1st)— Exquisite stained glass chapel. More beautiful interior than the gloomy Notre Dame Cathedral. Métro Cité (4)
[edit] Museums and galleries
All national museums et monuments are free for all every first Sunday of the month.- The Louvre, (1st)— One of the finest museums in the world of art and culture. Home of the Mona Lisa and innumerable others. Enormous building and collection, plan at least two visits. Métro Palais Royal-Musée du Louvre (1, 7)
- Musée d'Orsay, (7th)— Incredible collection housed in a former railway station. Works by the great artists of the 19th century (1848-1914) including Monet's "Blue Water Lilies, Renoir's "Bal du moulin de la Galette", van Gogh's "Bedroom in Arles", Whistler's "The Artists Mother", etc. RER Musée d'Orsay (C) or Métro Solférino (12)
- Rodin Museum, (7th)— His personal collection and archives, in a charming home with garden. Métro Varenne (13)
- Picasso Museum, (3rd)— Contains the master's own collection. Visitor should note this museum will be closed until 2012 due to renovations of the building. Métro Saint-Paul (1) or Chemin Vert (8)
- Musée Marmottan-Monet [45] (16th)[rue Louis Boilly]— Over 300 paintings of Claude Monet. Also, the works of Berthe Morisot, Edgar Degas, Édouard Manet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. "Impression Soleil Levant" by Monet is on display. Métro La Muette (9)
- Musée de l'Orangerie, (1st)— [Jardin des Tuileries] Houses "The Water Lilies" (or "Nymphéas") - a 360 degree depiction of Monet's flower garden at Giverny. Also, impressionist and post-Impressionist paintings by Cézanne, Matisse, Modigliani, Picasso, Renoir, Rousseau, Soutine, Sisley and others. Métro Concorde (1, 8, 12)
- Musée Delacroix— Housed in the home of painter Eugene Delacroix. Métro Mabillon (10) or Saint-Germain-des-Près (4)
- Centre Georges Pompidou, (4th)— The museum of modern art. The building and adjoining Stravinsky Fountain are attractions in themselves. Métro Rambuteau (11)
- Les Invalides, (7th)— Very impressive museum of arms and armor from the Middle Ages to today. Also contains the tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte. Métro Varenne (13)
- Cluny, (5th)— A medieval museum exhibiting the five "The Lady and the Unicorn" tapestries, housed in a part Roman, part medieval building. Métro Cluny-La Sorbonne (10)
- Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs, (1st)— Showcasing eight centuries of French savoir-faire. Métro Palais Royal-Musée du Louvre (1, 7)
- Carnavalet (3rd)— Museum of Paris history; exhibitions are permanent and free. Métro Saint-Paul (1) or Chemin Vert (8)
- Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie - La Villette, (19th)— Science museum primarily for children. Métro Porte de la Villette (7)
- Mémorial de la Shoah, (4th)— Paris's Holocaust Memorial Museum, in the heart of the Marais on rue Geoffroy l'Asnier. Free Entry, weekly guided tours. Second Sunday of the month there is a free tour in English. Métro Pont Marie (7)
- Jacquemart-Andre Museum , (8th)— Private collection of French, Italian, Dutch masterpieces in a typical XIXth century mansion. Métro Miromesnil (9, 13)
[edit][add listing] Do
[edit] Events
It seems like there's almost always something happening in Paris, with the possible exceptions of the school holidays in August and February, when about half of Parisians are to be found not in Paris, but in the Alps or the South of France respectively. The busiest season is probably the autumn, from a week or so after la rentrée scolaire or "back to school" to around Noël (Christmas) theatres, cinemas and concert halls book their fullest schedule of the year.Even so, there are a couple of annual events in the winter, starting with a furniture and interior decorating trade fair called Maison & Object [46] in January.
In February le nouvel an chinois (Chinese New Year) is celebrated in Paris as it is in every city with a significant Chinese population. There are parades in the 3rd and 4th arrondissements and especially in Chinatown in the 13th south of Place d'Italie. Also in February is the Six Nations Rugby Tournament [47] which brings together France, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Italy.
The first of two Fashion weeks occurs in March: Spring Fashion Week, giving designers a platform to present women’s prêt-à-porter, ready to wear, collections for the following winter.
The French Tennis Open [48] in which the world’s top players battle it out on a clay court runs during two weeks starting on the last Sunday in May. By the time its done in June, a whole range of festivities start up. Rendez-vous au Jardin is an open house for many Parisian gardens, giving you a chance to meet Parisian gardeners and see their creations. The Fête de la Musique [49] celebrates the summer solstice (21st June) with this city-wide free musical knees-up. Finally on the 26th of June is the Gay Pride [50] parade, featuring probably the most sincere participation by the mayor's office of any such parade on the globe.
The French national holiday Bastille Day on the 14th of July celebrates the storming of the infamous Bastille during the French Revolution. Paris hosts several spectacular events that day of which the best known is the Bastille Parade which is held on the Champs-Élysées at 10:00 and broadcast on television to most of the rest of Europe. The entire street will be crowded with spectators so arrive early. The Bastille Day Fireworks is an exceptional treat for travellers lucky enough to be in the city on Bastille Day. The Office du Tourisme et des Congress de Paris recommends gathering in or around the champs du Mars, the gardens of the Eiffel Tower.
Also in July, Cinema en Plein Air [51] is the annual outdoor cinema event that takes place at the Parc de la Villette, in the 9th on Europe’s largest inflatable screen. For most of July and August, parts of both banks of the Seine are converted from expressway into an artificial beach for Paris Plage [52]. Also in July the cycling race le Tour de France has a route that varies annually, however it always finishes on the last Sunday of July under the Arc de Triomphe.
On the last full weekend in August, a world-class music festival Rock en Seine [53] draws international rock and pop stars to barges on the Seine near moored off of the 8th.
During mid-September DJs and (usually young) fans from across Europe converge on Paris for five or six days of dancing etc. culminating in the Techno parade - a parade whose route traces roughly from Pl. de Bastille to the Sorbonne, and around the same time the festival Jazz à la Villette [54] brings some of the biggest names in contemporary jazz from around the world.
The Nuit Blanche [55] transforms most of central Paris into a moonlit theme-park for an artsy all-nighter on the first Saturday of October, and Fashion Week [56] returns shortly thereafter showing off Women’s Prêt-à-Porter collections for the following summer; as we've noted winter collections are presented in March.
The third Thursday in November marks the release of Le Beaujolais Nouveau [57] and the beginning of the Christmas season. This evening, the Christmas lights are lit in a ceremony on the Champs-Élysées, often in the presence of hundreds (if not thousands) of people and many dignitaries, including the president of France.
For information on theatre, movies and exhibitions pick up the 'Pariscope' and 'L'officiel du Spectacle' which is available at newstands for €0.40. For (especially smaller, alternative) concerts pick up LYLO, a small, free booklet available in some bars and at FNAC. There are not any userfriendly online version of these guides.
- Cafe Philo in English, Cafe de Flore, 172, Blvd St-Germain, 75006, [58]. Cafe Philo in English meets on the first Wednesday of each month upstairs at the famous Cafe de Flore. Everyone is invited. You don't have to be knowledgeable about philosophy. Meetings begin with a two round voting process to determine a topic. The topic is discussed for two hours. Free. edit
[edit] Photography
Paris is considered by many as the birthplace of photography, and while one may debate the correctness of this claim, there is no debate that Paris is today a photographer's dream. The French capital offers a spectacular array of photographic opportunities to the beginner and the pro alike. It has photogenic monuments (e.g., Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, the obelisk at Concorde, and countless others); architecture (the Louvre, Notre Dame and the Museum of the Arab World, to name just a few) and urban street scenes (e.g., in the Marais, Montmartre and Belleville). When you tire of taking your own photos, visit one of the many institutions dedicated to photography (e.g., European Museum of Photography, the Jeu de Paume Museum or the Henri Cartier Bresson Foundation). At these and other institutions, you can learn the about the rich history of Paris as the place of important developments in photography (e.g., the Daguerrotype) and as the home of many of the trade's great artists (e.g., Robert Doisneau, André Kertész, Eugene Atget and Henri Cartier Bresson).- Better Paris Photos, 32 Avenue de Suffren, Paris 75116, ☎ 33 (0)6 74 04 21 84 (register@betterparisphotos.com), [59]. By appointment, tours last from 4 hours. Better Paris Photos offers instructional tours and workshops that combine hands-on learning of essential photographic techniques with guiding to, and commentary about, the most photogenic spots of Paris. Led by English-speaking photographers and instructors, these tours are open to all skill levels and interest. From €195/half day; €290/full day. edit
[edit] Movies
The Cinémas of Paris are (or at least should be) the envy of the movie-going world. Of course, like anywhere else you can see big budget first-run films from France and elsewhere. That though, is just the start. During any given week there are at least half-a-dozen film festivals going on, at which you can see the entire works of a given actor or director. Meanwhile there are some older cult films like say, What's new Pussycat or Casino Royal which you can enjoy pretty much any day you wish.Many non-French movies are subtitled (called "version originale" "VO" or "VOstfr" as opposed to "VF" for version francaise).
There are any number of ways to find out what's playing, but the most commonly used guide is Pariscope, which you can find at newstands for €0.40. Meanwhile there are innumerable online guides which have information on "every" cinema in Paris.
[edit] With children
- Cite des enfants in the 19th, a museum for kids within the Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie, is interactive, fun, and educational. There are two separate sections for the 3-5 set and the 5-12 set. The tots section has simple exhibits designed to be pushed, prodded, and poked. The section for older kids is more sophisticated with scientific experiments and tv studios. Métro Porte de la Villete (7)
- Jardin du Luxembourg in the 6th. It would be counted as a travesty not to take your under 10 year old to the Jardin du Luxembourg, long a favorite with Parisien children. With its world famous merry-go-round, a pond for sail boats, a puppet theater, pony rides, chess players, children's playground, it has something for every kid (with comfortable chairs for weary parents thrown in!). The marionettes du luxembourg, the puppet theater, stages classic French puppet shows in French but should be easy to understand. There are numerous places for a snack. RER Luxembourg (B) or Métro Odéon (4, 10)
- Parc des Buttes-Chaumont in the 19th. Buttes-Chaumont is great for those with children that like to run, climb, and explore. Built on the site of an abandoned quarry, the park is roughly bowl-shaped with a 30-meter-tall peak situated in the middle of a pond at the park's center. There are trails up the rock, caves, waterfalls, a suspension bridge, and a small stone gazebo on the top of the rock with a 360-degree view. There is also a puppet theater and a playground. Métro Buttes-Chaumont (7bis), Botzaris (7bis), or Laumière (5)
- Parc Zoologique in the 12th. Like all things in France, this zoo is different because of a 236 foot artificial mountain bang in its center. Take elevators to the top and enjoy the view or watch the mountain goats do their stuff on the sides. Lions, tigers, and everything designed to delight kids can be found in the zoo if the mountaind doesn't do it for your kids. RER/Métro Gare d'Austerlitz (5, 10, C)
- The Jardin d'Acclimatation in the 16th has a number of rides, including pint-sized roller coasters suitable for children as young as three years, as well as a mini-zoo and the estimable Musée en Herbe. Métro Les Sablons (1)
- THATLou, Treasure Hunt at the Louvre in the 1st helps introduce the Louvre Museum and make it more entertaining and manageable for teens and families travelling with children. Henri Loyrette, director of the Louvre, said that you'd have to walk 8 miles straight to cover the whole place, so THATLou (which offers 12 different themed treasure hunts) helps focus visits and highlight collections. Métro Palais Royal-Louvre or Tuileries (1)
[edit] Meet and greet locals
For those who want to meet actual Parisians in addition to exploring major landmarks, in 2010 a group of locals started a new service, "See Paris with a Parisian". You join 90-minute walking tours. The guides show you city landmarks (and the stories and anecdotes that go with them), but they also engage their visitors on life in Paris. You chat with a Parisian, you "decode" the city, and you learn from an insider about local events and festivals, about where to shop, good places to eat or drink, secret places locals keep to themselves etc.- Discover Walks, 1 rue Thérèse ☎ +33 970 449 724, [60]. Several tours to choose from everyday. Free service - guests choose their tip/donation.
[edit] Learn
It should go without saying that Paris is a good place to learn French.- Alliance Française. One of the world's largest schools of French language, the Paris Alliance Française has a wide variety of courses for a visitor to choose from. edit
- Ecole France Langue, [61]. France Langue have a variety of different courses, starting as short as one week up to long-term tuition. Classes are taught entirely in French, with students (who come from all parts of the world) discouraged from speaking in their native languages at all during lessons. The emphasis is more on speaking and listening rather than on writing and grammar. The school is spread over a number of locations around Place Victor Hugo in the 16e. edit
- Université Paris IV. Offers 'scholastic' as well as 'university' courses for foreigners in French language and culture, which start at various times of year. edit
- American Graduate School in Paris, 101, boulevard Raspail, ☎ (0)1 47 20 00 94 (info@ags.edu), [62]. Graduate school in Paris specializing in international relations and business programs. Classes are taught in English with optional french classes. edit
- Franglish, ☎ (0)7 60 47 30 20 (info@franglish.eu), [63]. French/English Language Exchange event in Paris, 3 times per week in some of the best venues across Paris. Practice your French while having a good time meeting locals. edit
- The American Library in Paris, (5 minutes walking distance from the Eiffel Tower), [64]. A great place to visit in Paris is the American Library, this is a non-profit institution entirely dependent on donations in order to keep its doors open. Visitors can purchase a day pass or other short term memberships. The Library has WiFi and if you have your laptop then you can access the internet for no charge other than the day pass to use the library. It has excellent books, recent American magazines and the occasional celebrity patron. edit
[edit] Culinary
How better to get to know a culture than to learn the ins and outs of its native cuisine. After sampling your fair share of Macarons and Magret de Canard around Paris, you might enjoy taking an afternoon to learn how to make these delicacies yourself and take the recipes home with you. While there are many cooking schools around Paris, only a few offer classes in English.- La Cuisine Paris, 80 Quai de L'Hôtel de Ville, Paris 75004, ☎ 33 (0)1 40 51 78 18 (contact@lacuisineparis.com), [65]. Register online, classes last 2-4 hours. La Cuisine Paris is an english-friendly culinary school located in the heart of Paris, right on the Seine that offers expert teaching of the essential techniques of cuisine française. Led by French and English-speaking chefs, these classes are open to all skill levels and tastes. Prices range from €65 for a Macaron class to €150 for a Market class. edit
[edit] Work
Work in Paris, especially for non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens, entails a very long and arduous process. Unless you possess one of a number of in-demand skills, it will almost certainly be necessary to obtain a job offer from a French employer before arriving. Your employer, for their part, will have to have the offer approved by the relevant governmental authorities, as well. If you opt for unreported work, such as babysitting, you need not fret about going through the process to obtain a Carte de séjour, i.e., a formal vistor's identity card. However, if you do choose a change in location, it is advisable to obtain a Carte de séjour prior to finding any job whatsoever, as the process can be longer than expected. Note however that a Carte de séjour is often necessary to open a bank account and the like, and by extension for accomplishing any number of other tasks involved in modern life, so unless you're very comfortable transacting everything in cash you should probably bite the bullet and keep things on the up-and-up.Job listings, as anywhere, can be found in local magazines and newspapers. Another great place to look for jobs is online, whether using a Job Search Engine such as Monster [66] or Wiki search pages such as Craigslist [67]. Remember, the city of Paris has a huge network of immigrants coming and going, and it is always great to tap into that network. The city holds a great abundance of work ready to be found, even if it feels nerve wracking at first.
[edit][add listing] Buy
Paris is one of the great fashion centres of the Western world, up there with New York, London, and Milan, making it a shopper's delight. While the Paris fashion scene is constantly evolving, the major shopping centres tend to be the same. High end couture can be found in the 8th arrondisement. In summer, there is nothing better than browsing the boutiques along Canal St-Martin, or strolling along the impressive arcades of the historic Palais-Royal, with beautifully wrapped purchases swinging on each arm.A good note about Le Marais is that as it is a mostly Jewish neighborhood, most of the shops in Le Marais are open on Sundays. The stores in this area are intimate, boutique, "Parisian" style clothing stores. You will no doubt find something along each street, and it is always well worth the look.
Other great areas to shop around in are around the area Sèvres Babylone (Métro Line 10 and Line 12). It is in this area you will find the Le Bon Marché 7th, particularly rue de Cherche Midi 6th. The area boasts some of the major fashion houses (Chanel, Jean Paul Gaultier, Versace, etc) and also has smaller private boutiques with handmade clothing.
In the Quartier Saint-Germain-des-Prés, you can find a handful of vintage clothing shops, carrying anything from couture early 20th century dresses, to 70s Chanel sunglasses. Walking along Boulevard Saint-Germain, you will find major brands. However, if in search of eclectic finds, opt to walk the northern side of the Boulevard, especially along rue Saint André des Arts, where you can always find a nice café to stop in. The area south of Saint-Germain is just as nice, and comes with a price tag to match.
In the artsy quarters of 1 and 4, there are many bargains to be had, once again, if you are prepared to look. Souvenirs are easily found and can be fairly inexpensive as long as you don't buy from the tourist sites. For cheap books of French connection, try the University/Latin quarter as they sell books in all languages starting from half a euro each.
[edit] Flea Markets
Paris has 3 main flea-markets, located on the outskirts of the central city. The most famous of these is the Marché aux Puces de St-Ouen (Porte de Clignancourt) (Clignancourt Flea Market) , Métro: Porte de Clignancourt, in the 18th, a haven for lovers of antiques, second-hand goods and retro fashion. The best days to go are Saturday and Sunday. Note that there are particular times of the week when only antique collectors are allowed into the stalls, and there are also times of the day when the stall owners take their Parisian Siesta, and enjoy a leisurely cappuccino for an hour or so. The best times to visit the Flea Markets are in the spring and summertime, when the area is more vibrant. In and around the metro station, you may find the area a little wild, still safe.[edit] Musical Instruments
Rue de Rome, situated near Gare St. Lazare, is crowded with luthiers, brass and woodwind makers, piano sellers, and sheet music stores. Subway station Europe. The area south of the metro station Pigalle is also packed with music shops (more oriented towards guitars and drums).[edit] Artwork
For art lovers, be sure to check out Quartier Saint-Germain-des-Prés, which is renowned for its galleries, and it is impossible to turn a street without finding a gallery to cast your glance in. On Fridays, most open until late. Most even have the benefit of bottles of wine so you can wander in with your glass of wine and feel very artistique. Great roads to walk along are rue de Seine, rue Jacob, rue des Beaux Arts, Rue Bonaparte, and Rue Mazarine. Also, be sure to visit the historical district of Montparnasse' and quartier Vavin where painters like Modigliani, Gauguin and Zadkine used to work.[edit][add listing] Eat
This guide uses the following price ranges for dinner typical set menu (starter+main+dessert whenever available): | |
Budget | below €15 |
Mid-range | €15-25 |
Splurge | over €25 |
There have been other challenges in the last 20 years or so as restaurateurs in places like San Francisco and Sydney briefly surpassed their Parisian fore bearers, again with an emphasis on freshness of ingredients but also borrowings from other cuisines. Parisian cooks didn't just rest on their laurels during this time, rather they travelled, taught, and studied, and together with Paris's own immigrant communities, have revitalized the restaurant trade. Today you can find hundreds of beautiful restaurants with thoughtful (or just trendy) interior design and well-planned and executed cartes and menus offering a creative mélange of French and exotic foreign cuisines. It's safe to say that Paris is once again catching up with or edging ahead of its Anglophone rivals.
Of course there are also some traditional offerings, and for the budget conscious there are hundreds of traditional bistros, with their sidewalk terraces offering a choice of fairly simple (usually meat centred) meals for reasonable prices.
For the uninitiated, it is unfortunately possible to have a uniformly poor dining experience during a stay in Paris, mainly because many attractions are situated in upscale areas of town, and that mass tourism attracts price gougers. It is frequent to hear of people complaining of very high Parisian prices for poor food and poor service, because they always tried to eat close to major tourist magnets. For good food and great service, try to go eat where the locals eat .
Many restaurants are tiny and have tables close together - square metres are at a premium and understandably restaurateurs need to make the most of limited space. In some cases when the restaurant is crowded, you may have to sit beside strangers at the same table. If that does not appeal to you, go to a more upscale place where you will pay for the extra space.
Trendy restaurants often require reservations weeks, if not months in advance. If you haven't planned far enough ahead, try to get a reservation for lunch which is generally easier and less expensive.
For an easy-to-manage eating budget while in Paris, consider: breakfast or "petit déjeuner" at a restaurant, possibly in your hotel, consisting of some croissants, coffee, and maybe a piece of fruit. Get a 'walking lunch' from one of Paris' many food stands--a panino in the centre of the city, a crepe from a crepe stand, a felafel pita or take-out Chinese in the Marais. Traiteurs serving Chinese food are ubiquitous in the city and good for a cheap lunch and many pâtisseries sell inexpensive coffee and sandwiches. All these are cheap (about the same as breakfast), easy, and allow you to maximize your sightseeing and walking time while enjoying delicious local or ethnic food. For dinner, stroll the streets at dusk and consider a €20-40 prix-fixe menu. This will get you 3 or 4 courses, possibly with wine, and an unhurried, candlelit, magical European evening. If you alternate days like this with low-budget, self-guided eating (picnicking, snacking, street food) you will be satisfied without breaking the bank.
If one of the aims of your trip to Paris is to indulge in its fine dining, though, the most cost-effective way to do this is to make the main meal of your day lunch. Virtually all restaurants offer a good prix-fixe deal. By complementing this with a bakery breakfast and a light self-catered dinner, you will be able to experience the best of Parisian food and still stick to a budget.
[edit] Self catering
Budget travellers will be very pleased with the range and quality of products on offer at the open air markets (e.g. the biggest one on Boul Richard Lenoir (near the Bastille), Rue Mouffetard, Place Buci, Place de la Madeleine and over the Canal Saint-Martin in the 11th or in any other arrondissement). If your accommodation has cooking facilities you're set, especially for wine and cheese, a decent bottle of French wine will set you back all of about €3-5, while the fairly good stuff starts at around €7. Bottles for less than €3 are not recommended. Keep in mind that the small épiceries which open until late are more expensive than the supermarchés (Casino, Monoprix, Franprix, etc). For wine, the price difference can be up to €2.Buy a baguette, some cheese and a good bottle of wine and join the Parisian youth for a pique-nique along the Seine (especially on the Île Saint-Louis) or along the Canal Saint-Martin. The finest food stores are Lafayette Gourmet in the Galeries Lafayette or La Grande Epicerie in the luxury department store Le Bon Marché. They are worth discovering. You will find a large variety of wines there, otherwise try wine stores such as Nicolas or Le Relais de Bacchus (all over the city).
[edit] Some specialities
For seafood lovers, Paris is a great place to try moules frites (steamed mussels and French fries) (better in fall and winter), oysters, sea snails, and other delicacies. Meat specialties include venison (deer), boar, and other game (especially in the fall and winter hunting season), as well as French favourites such as lamb, veal, beef, and pork.[edit] Prices
Eating out in Paris can be expensive. However don't believe people when they say you can't do Paris on the cheap - you can! The key is to stay away from the beaten tracks and the obviously expensive Champs Elysées. Around the lesser visited quarters especially, there are many cheap and yummy restaurants to be found. The key is to order from the prix-fixe menu, and not off the A la Carte menu unless you want to pay an arm and a leg. In many places a three course meal can be found for about €15. This way you can sample the food cheaply and is usually more "French". Ask for "une carafe d'eau" (oon karaaf doe) to get free tap water.[edit] Halal dining
Lots of Halat restaurants scattered all over Paris, from Pakistan cuisine to Indian naan bread, Moroccon, Indonesian, Lebanese, Turkish baklawa to even fried chicken all can be found in many Halal restaurants. Champs Elysées has some restaurants towards the arc, rest are scattered all over the city. A simple google search would be quite handy.[edit] Kosher dining
Paris has the largest number of Kosher restaurants in any European city. Walk up and down Rue des Rosiers to see the variety and choices available from Israeli, Sushi, Italian and others. See the district guides for examples.[edit] Vegetarian dining
For vegetarians, eating traditional French food will require some improvisation, as it is heavily meat-based. That being said, Paris has several excellent vegetarian restaurants. Look for spots such as Aquarius in the 14th, and Le Grenier de Notre-Dame in the 5th, or La Victoire Suprême du Coeur in the 1st just to name a few. See the arrondissement pages for more listings. For fast food and snacks, you can always find a vegetarian sandwich or pizza. Even a kebab shop can make you something with just cheese and salad, or perhaps falafel.There are also lots of Italian, Thai, Indian, and Mezo-American places where you will have little problem. The famous South Indian chain Saravana Bhavan have their branch near Gare Du Nord. In Rue des Rosiers (4th arrondissement) you can get delicious falafel in the many Jewish restaurants. Another place to look for falafel is on Rue Oberkampf (11th arrondissement). Take away falafel usually goes for €5 or less.
Moroccan and Algerian cooking is common in Paris - vegetarian couscous is lovely. Another good option for vegetarians - are traiteurs, particularly around Ledru Rollin (down the road from Bastille) take away food where you can combine a range of different options such as pomme dauphinoise, dolmas, salads, vegetables, nice breads and cheeses and so on.
Lebanese restaurants and snack shops abound as well, offering a number of vegetarian mezze, or small plates. The stand-bys of course are hummas, falafel, and baba-ganouche (caviar d'aubergine). A good place to look for Lebanese is in the pedestrian zone around Les Halles and Beaubourg in the 1st and 4th.
[edit] Tourists and locals
When you are looking for a restaurant in Paris, be wary of those where the staff speak English a bit too readily. These restaurants are usually - but not always - geared towards tourists. It does make a difference in the staff's service and behaviour whether they expect you to return or not.Sometimes the advertised fixed price tourist menus (€10-15) are a good deal. If you're interested in the really good and more authentic stuff (and if you have learned some words of French) try one of the small bistros where the French go during lunch time.
[edit][add listing] Drink
The bars scene in Paris really does have something for everyone. From bars which serve drinks in baby bottles, to ultra luxe clubs that require some name dropping, or card (black Amex) showing, and clubs where you can dance like no one's watching, (although they will be). To start your night out right, grab a drink or two in a ubiquitous dive bar, before burning up the dance floor and spreading some cash, at one of the trendy clubs.- Canal St Martin. Many cozy cafés and other drinking establishments abound around the Canal St Martin in the 10th.
- The Marais. The Marais has a large number of trendier new bars mostly in the 4th and to a lesser extent the 3rd with a few old charmers tossed into the mix. A number of bars and restaurants in the Marais have a decidedly gay crowd, but are usually perfectly friendly to straights as well. Some seem to be more specifically aimed at up-and-coming hetero singles.
- Bastille. There is a very active nightlife zone just to the northeast of Place de Bastille centered around rue de Lappe, rue de la Roquette, rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine (especially the amazing Club Barrio Latino) and rue de Charonne in the 11th. Many of the bars closest to Bastille have either a North, Central, or South American theme, with a couple of Aussie places mixed in for good measure, and as you continue up rue de Charonne the cafés have more of a traditionally French but grungy feeling.
- Quartier Latin - Odeon. If you're looking for the nouvelle vague (new wave) style, student and intellectual atmosphere of Paris in the 60s and 70s, you'll find a lot of that (and more hip + chique) places in the quartier Latin and between place Odeon and the Seine. The neighborhood is also home of many small artsy cinemas showing non-mainstream films and classics (check 'Pariscope' or 'l'officiel du spectacle' at any newspaper stand for the weekly programme).
- Rue Mouffetard and environs. The area in the 5th on the south side of the hill topped by the Panthéon has a little bit of everything for the nighthawk, from the classy cafés of Place de la Contrescarpe to an Irish-American dive bar just down the way to a hip, nearly hidden jazz café at the bottom of the hill.
- Châtelet. In some ways the Marais starts here in the 1st between Les Halles and Hôtel de Ville but with between all of the tourists and the venerable Jazz clubs on rue des Lombards the area deserves some special attention.
- Montmartre. You'll find any number of cozy cafés and other drinking establishments all around the Butte Montmartre in the 18th, especially check out rue des Abbesses near the Métro station of the same name.
- Oberkampf-Ménilmontant. If you are wondering where to find the hipsters (bobos for bohemian-bourgeois), then this is where to look. There are several clusters of grungy-hip bars all along rue Oberkampf in the 11th, and stretching well into the 20th up the hill on rue de Ménilmontant. It's almost like being in San Francisco's Haight-Fillmore district.
- Bagnolet. There are a cluster of bar/restaurant/nightclubs along the southern end of the Père Lachaise cemetery in the 20th including probably the best place in Paris for nightly local and touring punk rock.
- Rues des Dames-Batignolles. Another good place to find the grungy-chic crowd is the northern end of the 17th around rue des Dames and rue des Batignolles, and if you decide you want something a little different Montmartre is just around the corner.
- Port de Tolbiac. This previously deserted stretch of the river Seine in the 13th was re-born as a center for nightlife (and Sunday-afternoon-life) a few years ago when an electronic music cooperative opened the Batofar. Nowadays there are a number of boats moored along the same quai, including a boat with a Caribbean theme, and one with an Indian restaurant.
- Saint Germain des Prés. This area has two of the most famous cafés in the world: Café de Flore and Les Deux Magots, both catering to the tourists and the snobs who can afford their high prices. This part of the 6th is where the Parisian café scene really started, and there still are hundreds of places to pull up to a table, order a glass, and discuss Sartre deep into the evening.
Of course there are lots of interesting places which are sort of off on their own outside of these clusters, including a few like the Hemingway Bar at the Ritz which are not to be missed in a serious roundup of Parisian drinking, so check out the listings even in those arrondissements we haven't mentioned above.
Some nightclubs in Paris that are worth it: Folies Pigalle (pl. Pigalle, 18th, very trashy, €20), Rex Club (near one of the oldest cinemas on earth, the Grand Rex, house/electro, about €15). You might also want to try Cabaret (Palais Royal), Maison Blanche, le Baron (M Alma-Marceau). Remember when going out to dress to impress, you are in Paris! Torn clothing and sneakers are not accepted. The better you look, the more likely you will get past the random decisions of club bouncers. Also important to remember if male (or in a group of guys) that it will be more difficult to enter clubs; try to always have an equal male/female ratio.
[edit][add listing] Sleep
Paris hotels, almost without regard to category or price, observe high and low seasons. These differ slightly from one hotel to another, but usually the high season roughly corresponds to late spring and summer, and possibly a couple of weeks around the Christmas season.Be aware that when a hotel is listed in any guide or website this will eventually make it a bit harder to get a room at that hotel. That means that you will probably need to book ahead, especially in the high season. However, if they don't have a room they sometimes know another place close by that does have a room available.
When two people are travelling together it can be a much better deal to find a hotel room than to get 2 hostel beds. More privacy for less money.
For individual hotel listings see the various Arrondissement pages.
For those who are staying for a while renting a furnished apartment might be a more comfortable and money-saving option. Furnished apartments differ considerably in quality, so it is important to choose carefully. There are a huge number of websites in the business of helping you find one, but most charge a steep commission of 10% or more. It is also possible to rent apartments for shorter stays, and this is an alternative well worth considering.
Be aware that some agencies, which seem very flexible, actually do not abide by the French law and do not carefully select the landlords and apartments they offer for rent. There are a certain number of guarantees, which are required in France before renting an apartment, and an insurance policy, which aims at protecting the tenants during their stay.
[edit] Stay safe
[edit] Crime
Paris is generally considered to be one of the safer cities in Europe and a very safe one to visit, and most travelers will not run into any problems. The biggest problem one may face while in Paris is pickpockets and scammers, of which there are many. Many perpetrators aim to be undetected, so direct confrontation and muggings are uncommon. Violent crime is very rare, especially in the city center.The police can be reached by phone by dialing 17. Not all police officers speak English, but those found around main attractions areas usually do. The police pride themselves on being approachable and professional and will be more than willing to help you.
Thanks to increased security presence and greater usage of technology, pickpockets are not as common on the rail link (RER B) from Charles de Gaulle airport to downtown Paris as they use to be. However, many of these trains make stop in the poor suburbs of Siene-St. Denis, where crime is rife. Try to take the trains which are nonstop between the airport and Paris proper (Gare du Nord and Les Halles). These are faster and safer than their less direct counterparts. Trains that stop in the poor suburbs have seen the problem of thieves physically fighting people in order to steal their belongings. The most common targets are those with suitcases and backpacks, i.e. tourists. Thieves usually coin their acts with the closing of the doors. Newer trains (which feature a green and white paint scheme and a lighter cabin) have high-tech security systems with cameras everywhere, and thieves are much less likely to use them. In any case, stow luggage on the racks above the seat and hold on to your personal belongings as you approach stations in the northern suburbs. You are much less likely of being a victim if the train is crowded with locals headed to work, usually in the early/mid morning and late afternoon. The train conductors are widely aware of these crimes and will usually wait a few seconds to leave the station after the doors have closed, just in case thieves have quickly jumped off with belongings. All trains feature emergency cords and a intercom system that will alert the conductor of any problems on the train. You can chase after the attackers, but in many cases undercover police officers will try to apprehend the perpetrator. Other passengers will usually help and are always willing to lend you their mobile to call the police. If you don't feel comfortable on the train, sit in the first cabin where the conductor is located. There are also numerous buses and taxis one can take to get into central Paris.
One politically incorrect point must be made about crime in Paris: the overwhelming majority of the criminals you will encounter in Paris and France are not French or even from France. The overwhelming majority of pickpockets are gypsies from Eastern European countries of Romania and Bulgaria. Human traffickers bring children as young as 4 to work in Paris, usually as beggars and pickpockets. They usually wear bright and tattered clothing, and appear Indian/Egyptian looking. If you see a group of these people, take care of your belongings. Thieves and muggers that roam the RER line to Paris tend to be of North African origin, so be weary of any suspicious looking types on the train that fit this profile.
By far the most common crime in Paris is pick pocketing. Pickpockets are most likely to be found working at crowded tourists hot spots,such as the Eiffel Tower, Sacre Couer, and Notre Dame. They are also likely to be found at any area with large crowds, such as train stations and large department stores. In order to stay safe, hold your bags in front of you, making sure your belongings are zipped inside. Never put anything besides a map in your back pockets. Keep your cellphone and wallets in your front pockets, in a bag or purse, or in a money belt if you feel the need to do so. You can also be creative and put your money in your shoe or other places a person could not reach. The metro is also a popular place for pickpockets. Hold things tightly and be aware of your surroundings. While trains are usually crowded, if someone is insisting on being near you and invading your personal space, be vigilant as they are probably going through your pockets. If there is a group of three or more gypsie women or children hovering over you, hold your belongings and move away. Many Parisians are aware of these crimes and shouting for help or yelling at them to go away will usually get people on the train to shoo them off. Common tactics are two of them blocking you as you try to board the subway, with two behind you quickly going through your bag. Seconds before the doors close, the two jump off, leaving you on the metro without even realizing what has happened. Another common scam is someone dropping their keys or cellphone on the floor of the car. As you bend down to reach for them or tell the person they have dropped something, their accomplice quickly goes through your pockets. Without realizing anything, you have been robbed, and they have gone completely unnoticed. Be aware of anything out of the ordinary that would make you lose your focus or draw your attention, as it is most likely a way to pickpocket you. Note that this scam is mostly carried about by French/European looking thieves. Take note of what locals do. If someone warns you to be careful, there are probably some thieves hoping to pickpocket you. As phone snatching is the most common crime in Paris and the metro itself, do not show your phone, wallet, or other expensive belongings on the train platforms or the train.
At Sacré Coeur, there are many African men who will try to tie strings on your finger. Not only will they demand an obscene fee for the cheap trinkets, usually over 15 euros, they will also try to pickpocket you or threaten you with force if you do not give them money. They are usually only at the base of the monument and can be avoided by taking the Funicular of Montmartre. Otherwise, you can quickly walk past them and ignore them, though they will willingly grab peoples arms. Yelling at them may cause unwanted attention and cause them to back off, but be careful. Sacré Coeur appears to be the only area where they congregate. Besides them, you will notice many illegal Africans walking around with cheap trinkets at touristic areas, especially the Trocadero, Eiffel Tower, and Louvre Museum. They are generally not rude but bear in mind that buying things from them is illegal and hurts small businesses. This of course causes them to bolt at the sight of the police, and you may end up in the middle of a stampede!
The bars in the Montmartre, especially around the Moulin Rouge and Place Pigalle, area are notorious for ripping off their clients, so avoid them at all costs. One drink in these establishments could run up a bill of over 500 euros, so make sure you ask to see the menu before being coerced into purchasing a drink. Although these bars are guarded by bouncers, yelling and threatening to call the police and your embassy should intimidate them enough to let you leave. If you have a cellphone, you can quickly call the police, or call them right after you have been left out. You can usually recognize these establishments by Arabic/black women trying to convince you to come in and Arab/black bounces guarding the doors.
If someone offers to buy you a ticket for the train, subway, bus, or any other mode of transportation, simply ignore them and call for help or the police if you feel threatened. Train stations and major subway stations are flooded with police officers, so you can also report any odd behavior or con-artists to them.
Another common scam is found along the banks of the Seine river and involves a ring. This involves thieves "finding" a ring which they give to you. They then ask you if you own it. When you say no, they insist you keep it, saying it goes against their religion or they cannot wear rings. A few moments later, they ask you for money to buy something to eat, eventually following you and becoming more annoying. You can either yell at them or steer them towards an area where there are likely to be police present, at which point they will quickly run away, leaving you with a little souvenir!
The most common scam (a more creative form of pick pocketing) that has taken over Paris by storm since June 2011 involves gypsie women and even teenagers and children of either sex coming up to tourists with pledge sheets. They pretend to be deaf people collecting money for one charity or another. Once you are distracted with the petition, an accomplice pickpockets you and takes your belongings. In addition, once you sign, they point to a provision that reads "minimum ten euro donation." While they may at first insist on this, shaking your head and walking away will usually make them pester someone else. Otherwise, simply waving them off and a loud no should make them give up. If they are in a large group, as is common, BE CAREFUL OF YOUR BELONGINGS!!! This is a ploy to pickpocket you as you are surrounded by them. At this point, yelling for the police will make them disperse quickly. This is most commonly found around major tourist points, as well as Glleries Lafayette and major train stations.
Although the police are quick to clear them out, con artists playing three card monti will encourage you to join in their game. It is impossible to win, so avoid any of these scams at all costs.
It is a good idea to steer clear of the suburb of Seine Saint-Denis, as this suburb is known for its gangs and poverty. Avoid walking alone at night in the eighteenth and nineteenth arrondissmant as well, as these can be a little shady at night. There is a large problem with youths from the depressed suburbs causing trouble with the police. If locals are moving away, it is most likely from a confrontation. While these groups rarely target people besides the police, be careful. Walk away from a situation that could lead to fights or worse.
[edit] Respect
Paris has, in some respects, an atmosphere closer to that of New York than to that of a European city; which is to say, hurried, and businesslike. Parisians have, among the French too, a reputation for being rude and arrogant. Some of their reputation for brusqueness may stem from the fact that they are constantly surrounded by tourists, who can sometimes themselves seem rude and demanding. Remember that most people you'll encounter in the street are not from the tourism industry and are probably on their way to or from work or business.This is not to say that Parisians are in fact, by nature, rude. On the contrary: there are a considerable number of rules defining what is rude and what is polite in Parisian interpersonal relationships; if anything, the Parisians are more polite than most. Thus, the best way to get along in Paris is to be on your best behavior, acting like someone who is "bien élevé" (well brought up) will make getting about considerably easier. Parisians' abrupt exteriors will rapidly evaporate if you display some basic courtesies. A simple "Bonjour, Madame" when entering a shop, for example, or "Excusez-moi" when trying to get someone's attention, are very important; say "Pardon" or better "je suis désolé" if you bump into someone accidentally or make other mistakes; if you speak French or are using a phrasebook remember to always use the vous form when addressing someone you don't know, may transform the surliest shop assistant into a smiling helper or the grumpiest inhabitant to a helpful citizen. Courtesy is extremely important in France (where the worst insult is to call someone "mal élevé", or "badly brought up").
If you only learn one long phrase in French a good one would be "Excusez-moi de vous déranger, monsieur/madame, auriez-vous la gentillesse de m'aider?" (pardon me for bothering you, sir/madam, would you have the kindness to help me?) - this level of extreme politeness is about the closest one can come to a magic wand for unlocking Parisian hospitality. If you know some French, try it!
In addition, if you are travelling to or from the airport or train station and have luggage with you, make certain that you are not blocking the aisles in the train by leaving your bags on the floor. The RER B (which links both Orly and Charles de Gaulle airports to the city) has luggage racks above the seats; it is best to use them so you do not block the path of a local who is getting off the train before the airport stop. On the Métro and especially in the RER, please don't take up extra seats with your luggage. There are luggage racks and spaces between the seats. Also note that use of the folding seats on the Métro is not permitted during peak hours.
Be aware that there are hefty fines for littering in Paris, especially with dog droppings; however, enforcement is quite lax in some areas.
[edit] Contact
One helpful thing about having official and numbered districts in Paris is that you can easily tell which arrondissement an address is in by its postal code, and can easily come up with the postal code for a Paris address if you know its arrondissement. The rule is just pre-pend 750 or 7500 to the front of the arrondissement number, with 75001 being the postal code for the 1st and 75011 being the postal code for the 11th, and so on. The 16th has two postal codes, 75016 for the portion south of Rue de Passy and 75116 to the north; all other arrondissements only have one postal code.Phone cards are available from most "Tabacs" but make sure you know where you can use them when you buy them, as some places still sell the cartes cabines which are hard to use as cabines are rare.
The city of Paris provides with free Internet access via 400 Wi-Fi access points throughout the city, including many public parks. Look for the network called 'Orange' on your laptop or PDA device. [68] ANother interesting resource is http://worksnug.com/locations/search?, a cooperative address book of wifi spots in Paris.
Other options include Starbucks, which is (not always) free. There is also McDonald's, Columbus Café, and certain Indiana Café locations. There is also the Wistro network, which independent coffee chains offer. You can search by arrondissement. [69]
[edit] Cope
Although known as the fashion capital, Paris is actually quite conservative in dress. So if you go out in bright colors expect to be stared at. Dressing this way in certain arrondissements, such as 9th and 18th, may attract unwanted attention. Also be aware that men in France (and men in Europe more generally) do not usually wear shorts shorter than above the knee outside of sporting events. It is not considered indecent but may stand out from the locals; shorts are for "schoolboys and soccer players" only.[edit] Lost Property
The Parisian police préfecture runs Europe's largest lost property service. Public transport and tourist attractions generally hold onto objects for five days before handing them in. Remember to bring identification and any relevant information (IMEI for phones, taxi number, etc.). You may have to pay a charge of €11.- Service des objets trouvés, 6, rue des Morillons 75732 Paris Cedex 15 (Métro Conventio), ☎ 08 21 00 25 25 (servicedesobjetstrouves-paris@interieur.gouv.fr), [70]. Mon to Thurs 8:30am to 5pm, Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. edit
[edit] Airlines
- Adria Airways, 94 r Saint Lazare 75009 PARIS, ☎ 01, [71]. Mon to Fri 9am to 1pm, 2pm to 5pm, Sat 9am until noon. edit
- Air France, 30 av Léon Gaumont 75985 PARIS CEDEX 20, ☎ 36 54, [72]. edit
- Air France Agence Opéra, 49 av Opéra 75002 PARIS, ☎ 36 54, [73]. edit
- Air France Agence Jardin du Luxembourg, 4 pl Edmond Rostand 75006 PARIS, ☎ 36 54, [74]. edit
- Air Tahiti Nui, 28 bd St Germain 75005 PARIS, ☎ 0 825 02 42 02. edit
- Croatia Airlines, Roissypôle Le Dôme Bât1 r de la Haye Tremblay en France BP 18913 95731 ROISSY CH DE GAULLE CEDEX, ☎ 01 48 16 40 00, [75]. edit
- Delta Air Lines, 2 r Robert Esnault Pelterie 75007 PARIS, ☎ 0892 702 609, [76]. edit
- Egypt Air, 49 Rue de Ponthieu 75008 Paris, ☎ 01 44 94 85 00, [77]. edit
- Finnair (Compagnie Aérienne de Finlande), Roissy Terminal 2D 95715 ROISSY CDG CEDEX, ☎ 0 821 025 111, [78]. edit
- LOT Polish Airlines, 27 r Quatre Septembre 75002 Paris, ☎ 0 800 10 12 24. open from Mon to Sun. edit
- Qatar Airways, 7 r Vignon 75008 PARIS, ☎ 01 55 27 80 80. edit
- Royal Jordanian airlines, 38 avenue des Champs Elysees Paris - 75008 Paris, ☎ 01 (partorj@rj.com, fax: 01 42 65 99 02), [79]. edit
- Royal Air Maroc, 38 av Opéra 75002 PARIS, ☎ 0 820 821 821. edit
- Royal Brunei Airlines, 4 r Fbg Montmartre 75009 PARIS, ☎ 0 826 95 31 21. edit´
- Ryanair, Aéroport Beauvais - Tillé, ☎ 0892 68 20 64. edit
- Saudi Arabian Airlines (Lignes Aériennes de l'Arabie Saoudite), 34 av George V 75008 PARIS, ☎ 0 820 20 05 05. edit
- Singapore Airlines, 43 r Boissière 75116 PARIS, ☎ 0 821 230 380, [80]. edit
- Srilankan Airlines, 113 r Réaumur 75002 PARIS, ☎ 01 42 97 43 44. edit
- Syrian Arab Airlines, 1 r Auber 75009 PARIS, ☎ 01 47 42 11 06. edit
- TAM Airlines, 50 Ter r Malte 75011 PARIS, ☎ 01 53 75 20 00. edit
- TAP Portugal, ☎ 0 820 319 320, [81]. edit
- Turkish Airlines, 8 Place de l’Opera 75009 PARIS, ☎ 01 56 69 44 90 (direction.paris@turkishairlines.fr, fax: 01 45 63 10 80), [82]. 09:30-17:30. edit´
- Air India, 49 Avenue des Champs Élysées 75008 PARIS, ☎ 01 44 55 39 90. 09:30-17:30. edit´
[edit] Embassies
China, 11, Avenue George V and consular office at 20, rue Washington, ☎ +33 1 49 52 19 50 (Consular office +33 1 47 36 77 90, chinaemb_fr@mfa.gov.cn, fax: +33 1 47 20 24 22, consular office +33 1 47 36 34 46), [84]. edit
Egypt, 56, Avenue d'Iena, ☎ +33 1 53678830 (paris_emb@mfa.gov.eg, fax: +33 1 47230643), [85]. 9:30 AM - 17:30 PM. edit
Greece, 17, Rue Auguste Vacquerie, ☎ +33 1 47 23 72 28, Emergencies: +33 1 47 23 98 92 (gremb.par@mfa.gr, fax: +33 1 47 23 73 85), [86]. edit
Indonesia, 49 Rue Cortambert (Nearest Metro is La Muette on Line 9), ☎ +33 1 45 03 07 60 (fax: +33 1 45 04 50 32), [87]. edit
Saudi Arabia, 5, avenue Hoche, ☎ +33 1 56 79 40 00 (ambsaudi@club-internet.fr, fax: +33 1 56 79 40 01), [90]. edit
Turkey, 44 rue de Sevres 92100 Boulogne - Billancourt, ☎ +33 1 47 12 30 30 (consulat.paris@mfa.gov.tr, fax: +33 1 47 12 30 50), [91]. 08.30 -13.00. edit
United States, 2, Avenue Gabriel, ☎ +33 1 43 12 22 22 (citizeninfo@state.gov, fax: +33 1 42 66 97 83), [92]. edit
Vietnam, 62, rue Boileau, ☎ +33 1 44 14 64 00 (vnparis.fr@gmail.com), [93]. edit
[edit] Get out
- Chartres - The 12th century cathedral of Notre Dame at Chartres is one of the highlights of Gothic architecture.(60 min trainride from Gare Montparnasse)
- Versailles - On the SW edge of Paris, the site of the Sun King Louis XIV's magnificent palace. (20-40 min trainride by RER)
- Saint Denis - On the northern edge of the metropolis, site of the Stade de France and St Denis Abbey, burial place of French royalty.
- Chantilly - Wonderful 17th century palace and gardens (and the birthplace of whipped cream). (25 min trainride from Gare du Nord)
- Giverny - The inspirational house and gardens of the Impressionist painter Claude Monet are but a day-trip away. The gardens and its flowers are the most interesting part of the visit, so avoid rainy days.
- Disneyland Resort Paris - In the suburb of Marne-la-Vallée, to the east of Paris, from where it can be reached by car, train, or bus (the train is probably your best bet).
- Fontainebleau - A lovely historical town south of Paris (55.5 km or 35 mi). It is renowned for its large and scenic Forest of Fontainebleau, a favorite weekend getaway for Parisians, as well as for the historical Château de Fontainebleau. (35 min trainride from Gare de Lyon)
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